We as church ask the same questions from our own membership each year on Good Shepherd Sunday, which is also the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. From among those gathered here this weekend we must ask: Who will lead the church into the future? Who will preach the gospel to the assembly that gathers tomorrow, and all our tomorrows? Who will be our teachers and prophets and healers, our administrators and music-makers and caregivers? If it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a small army to run the average parish. We dedicate this one day each year to pray for church leaders: those we already have, and those we need for the future. If you love the church, pray for those who lead her. We all bear the responsibility of growing good leadership. We do it in the home, schools, parishes, and in our communities. People become good leaders based on their experiences, on what life teaches them in good times and in bad.

Look into your heart on this Good Shepherd Sunday: Have you gained in wisdom? Do you have a light you’ve been tending under a bushel? Are you the leader we’ve been waiting for?