This is an annual fund raising event. Held the first Friday and Saturday in August, it brings together a great number of parishioners to work the various number of game and food booths over the weekend. Preparations and planning take place during the months prior to the bazaar.

2024 Annual Homecoming Bazaar Updates Below

Who:      All parishioners

When:     First weekend in August.


We will soon be sending out raffle tickets and asking you to purchase or sell them as a big help to our bazaar.

We’re looking forward to another great bazaar in August.

Please check back frequently for updates!

2024 Event – Update July 20th, 2024

BAZAAR RAFFLE TICKETS: Sometimes these are the more difficult things to go. Some don’t like or believe  in raffles. Some don’t have anyone to sell them to. Others just put them aside and forget about them. But, let me tell you, these tickets do guarantee our Bazaar will be a success. So if you haven’t made your returns yet, please do so. So far we have received returns from 144 families or about 20% of the parish. A  basket is on the Information Booth to receive your returns or you can put them in the regular collection basket or mail them in. Thank You for your support and maybe you will be the grand prize winner of  $2,000.00.

BAZAAR VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers are the heart of  any Church. These are the people who willing share their time and talents to make sure everything goes well and is a success. Without these special people, I don’t know where we would be. We have a lot of these generous people. But we still could use some  more so that everyone can enjoy the Bazaar as well as do some work. Maybe you could work one night  for two hours, or an hour each night. Any time is helpful. Give me a call if you can help (or fill out a  volunteer form at the Information Booth). I guarantee you will enjoy yourself and the work involved will  give you a good feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction.

2024 Event – Update June 15th, 2024

Bazaar dates are Friday & Saturday, August 2nd & 3rd . Tents are ordered. Menus are planned. Prayers are being said for sunny weather! Now we work to get everything else in line for another great homecoming bazaar. Hope you marked your calendars.

RAFFLE TICKETS have been mailed out to everyone on our parish list. If you didn’t receive yours, please call us. Please do what you can to buy or sell these tickets and help make our Bazaar a huge success.

SPONSORS: We request local businesses to sponsor our Bazaar at different giving levels. These are the name you see advertised around the tents and the grounds. If you would like to be a sponsor or even recommend someone you think might want to be one, call the Church office and someone will contact them with details.

TRICKY TRAYS: These beautiful baskets we put out are made up of new items that we organize into themes. If you have any items you wish to donate we could use them.

VOLUNTEERS: As you know, it takes a lot of volunteer help to put on the Bazaar. If you can help, before in setting up, during the Bazaar in the food or games areas or cleaning up afterwards, please call Sue Gallagher at the Church.

2024 Event – Update June 1st, 2024

KICK OFF SOCIAL: the 2024 kick-off Ice Cream Social is Sunday, June 9th at 1:00P.M. under the Pavilion. Come  join us and see what’s happening this year at our Homecoming Bazaar and plan to be a part of this great parish event.

BAZAAR PIEROGI MAKING is Monday, June 10th starting at 9:00 A.M. We could use your hand and help. The more  help we have, the quicker and easier things go. Hope you can make it.

BAZAAR DONATIONS: As we continue making our plans, please remember to continue saving those special items we use  at the Bazaar: shoe boxes, books, wine, new merchandise (maybe some regifting items), and some new items for tricky  trays. If you would like to make a complete tricky tray basket for the Bazaar, let Father Rich know what your theme will  be. Thank you for your past help and in advance for your help and support of this year’s Bazaar.