Posts from July 2023

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What do we really value in life?

by Fr. Rich

Our Scriptures today ask us what we may have many times asked ourselves: What do I really value in life? How diligently am I searching for it? Will I recognize it when I see it? What price am I willing to pay to obtain it? Today’s Gospel shows two people who are seeking something valuable […]

Let God separate the weeds from the wheat.

by Fr. Rich

When I read this Gospel, I thought of an old adage: ‘There is a little bit of bad in the best of us and there is a little bit of good in the worst of us.” But still we all try to eliminate the bad (weeds) around us even though Jesus says it’s not that […]

God’s Word

by Fr. Rich

Isaiah describes a beautiful analogy about how the rain and snow descends from heaven, nourishing the earth and enabling it to bear fruit. This imagery reminds us that God’s Word holds a profound purpose and effect in our lives. His Word has the great ability to breathe life into our existence, bring about a transformation […]

The Miracle of the Eucharist.

by Fr. Rich

At a Sunday Mass a little while back, a little girl about seven years old got out of her seat and sat in the middle aisle, where she remained for the entire Mass. Afterwards, I asked her why she sat there. She said because I wanted to see what the priest was doing at the […]