Posts from October 2020

Posts from October 2020

All Saints Day. What is a Saint?

Today we celebrate All Saints Day. What is a Saint? How do you become one? The Church has its own process of canonization: looking at the life of the individual, recognizing miracles in their name and other procedures. But in the eyes of God, what is a saint? I can’t speak for God, but I think today’s Gospel puts us on the right tract to sainthood. Jesus gives us the Beatitudes: blessed are the poor in spirit, the pure in…

Look at each other through the lens of God.

Whenever you ask a group of little children questions about Jesus or faith, or what does God want us to do, their answers always come down to ‘love.’ Maybe, in their own simple ways, they have the right answer. Because in today’s Gospel when Jesus was asked about the greatest commandment, that was His answer: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and Love your neighbor as yourself. We don’t need to complicate the words of…

Strive to make His presence felt through our lives.

Jesus’ response to the Pharisee’s attempted trap was priceless: ‘Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar; but give to God what belongs to God.’ We’re all good at giving to Caesar – pay taxes, cover our bills, fix the property, care for what we own. But how good are we at giving to God? Do we give Him our devotion and thanks: MASS. (In person, life-streamed)? Do we honor HIS WORD: help those in need? Do we show Him RESPECT:…

Kingdom of God and the Lord’s invitation to enter.

Today’s Gospel is the third parable speaking about the Kingdom of God and the Lord’s invitation to enter. We are told today that we are invited to the Banquet. Maybe that banquet is the Eucharist; maybe the banquet is the Church. Jesus tells us these three stories making the same point because it is a crucial one. And the Church chooses to recount these three stories in a row each year we’re reading Matthew, it’s because the message is equally…

Pray the Rosary – Be inspired in faith – Love one another!

As we begin the month of October, let us reflect on our Blessed Mother for this is the Month of the Rosary. The world and our ways of living have changed drastically these past few months. We’re in the midst of a pandemic with social distancing and the fear of getting sick. We’re seeing people fighting against each other: racism, rioting, distrust and fear. We hear everyday in the political arena of how to tear others apart rather than work…