Social Concerns

Social Concerns

Social Concerns Committee

This group gathers to discuss and implement programs and activities designed to inform the parish about social justice and pro-life issues. This group sets up service projects for the needy, hospitalized and home-bound.

Who:      All interested parishioners are welcome to participate as a committee member and/or as to any areas of concern, as listed below.

When:     Meetings are held monthly on the third Tuesday @ 7PM.

Contact:   Kathy Leddy    570-629-5264    [email protected]



This part of the Social Concerns committee deals with activities concerning pro-life and respect life issues. Included would be liturgies for Respect Life Sunday, Pro-Life march and weekend in January, parish baby shower and other things.


Prayer Chain

As a member of the Prayer Chain, you are asked to pray a particular prayer once a day for a week. You are offering this prayer for the intention you will be given. It could be for a lot of different intentions. You are not limited to saying just this prayer. You can say any amount of prayers, but as part of the Prayer Chain, you are asked to offer this particular prayer daily for the intention given.

Contact: Jerri Cutrone at 570-629-4572 and press 5 or email:  [email protected]


Food Pantry

This part of the ministry deals with providing food and essentials to people in need. A Parish Food Pantry is stocked through donations received on the first Sunday of the month called, “Helping hands Sunday.” Food baskets are distributed four times a year and as needed.

Contact:  Kathy Leddy    (570) 629-5264  [email protected]


Greeting Card Committee

This committee keeps in touch and sends greetings to parishioners at special times in their lives. Cards are sent on the occasions of special anniversaries and birthdays. Also a “Thinking of You” card is sent to keep in touch with the homebound.

Thinking of You – Jerri Cotrone 570-894-8250   [email protected]
Anniversary/Birthday – Kathy Rowe 570-629-9133 [email protected]


Concerned Calling Committee

This group keeps regular contact with parishioners usually through a telephone call. It may be to call someone who lives alone or is just returning from the hospital. It keeps the parish informed of the parishioner’s needs and is meant to make the person feel a part of the Church.



Outreach Ministry

This ministry, soon to be established, is meant to reach out to registered but inactive members of the parish. Through personal contact, members of this group will see if these members need the support of the Church through the sacraments or other ways. Training is required for this ministry.



Giving Tree/Basket

This program provides for the needs of children throughout the area and parish, at Christmas and Easter. People are asked to donate clothing, toys and other necessities for children, to provide needed help for families.

Contact:  Pat and Paul Hurley 570-619-7186   [email protected]