Posts from July 2024

Posts from July 2024

Leave it in the Lord’s hands.

In today’s Gospel we hear the story of the miracle of feeding the 5,000 with five loaves of bread and two fish. That’s all that young boy had and he offered it up to feed the multitude. They left it in the Lord’s hands to feed everyone. I think of this miracle a lot when I am preparing my homily for the weekend. What do I have to offer to feed all the people with different feelings that day who…

Jesus is our shepherd.

Today’s Gospel is all about Jesus being the shepherd to His people. It reminds us of Jesus being the great teacher, not only teaching us but showing his care and concern for us all. Jesus told his disciples to take time for themselves at a deserted place for them to rest. Yet, the people who recognized them went ahead of them and gathered before them to learn. When they arrived, they saw the crowd. Jesus instead welcomes them and becomes…

What we truly need?

One of the most profitable endeavors today is rental garages. As soon as one opens, each unit is immediately rented out. When we first opened this Church, I rented one of those garages since I had no rectory to store my belongings. After two years we built a rectory and I emptied this garage. Despite not using anything from this garage in two years, I moved all its contents into the rectory. I guess, I like everyone else tend to…

Simply offer the invitation.

Pope Francis has emphasized that all baptized Christians are “missionary disciples.” This means we are to speak the truth of God in love to the world and witness to that truth by our lives. In today’s first reading, Ezekiel was told this would not be an easy task. These words might be said to us today as well. In fact, our society is becoming increasingly hostile toward Christianity and its teachings. Just like in Ezekiel’s day, many today resist the…