“Trust in the Lord, and do good…”

“Trust in the Lord, and do good…”

In today’s Gospel we hear that Joseph is about ready to divorce Mary. But through the message of an angel, about the child Jesus to be born, Joseph stayed the course and took Mary into his home as his wife. Joseph is unsure of what will happen next but he believed God would provide. He lived his life following the words of scripture: “Trust in the Lord, and do good…” (Ps 37:3)

Like Joseph we too can trust in the Lord to do good even when we don’t fully understand the circumstances of the situation. And like Joseph, we can be encouraged to do the next right thing – not necessarily by the message of an angel, but by faith. At this Christmas time, what is God asking of you? What challenges to do good for others has He set before you? What opportunities for forgiveness has He placed in your midst? If you feel confused or anxious, always remember God is with you. Trust in Him and you can do good.

Merry Christmas!