Pastor’s Post (Page 25)

Pastor’s Post (Page 25)

Pastor’s Post

A Note of Thanks

I would just like to express my thanks to all who help, work and volunteer at Our Lady of Victory and make the job of pastor a lot easier. Fr. Tom Ciba has been a great help to me especially since my surgery. Deacon Len has done an exceptional job in taking on more responsibilities. Our liturgical people, from the choirs and musicians, ministers, lectors, servers, and ushers make our celebration very prayerful and spirit filled. Our decorators and cleaners…


The last few weeks have been like a whirlwind for me. Between lung surgery, a ten day hospital stay recuperation period far longer than I wanted or expect and the isolation, made it all a difficult time. Your prayers, well-wishes, cards and sentiments made everything pass quickly. Thank you for your concerns, your remembrances and especially your prayers. I am still not fully back, but I will be more present as time goes on. God Bless You All!

Thank You for your generous support in our Christmas Collection

I want to say Thank You for your generous support in our Christmas Collection. The total amount received was $16,681.00. The Christmas collection may seem like an extra collection beyond the regular Sunday, but it is not an extra but a necessary one that works into our parish budget of expenses. Thank You for you support. Thank you for your continued contributions to the parish that help us to continue to strive in our work. God Bless You!

Happy New Year!

May I extend to you greetings for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! May the difficulties of the past be few and the joys for the future be many. Happy New Year!

A Note Of Gratitude

We have a very welcoming and active parish here at Our Lady of Victory. And that is only possible because of all of you – your concern, care and love of your parish and Church. I wish to say THANK YOU to all who have shared their time and talent throughout the year. There are those who serve through the liturgy; those who serve our children; those who care for the beauty of the Church and its cleanliness; those who…

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!   We celebrate the Birth of the Prince of Peace.  It is a day when it seem like all the world can let go of its hostilities, its problems and troubles and experience the peace of the new born Savior.   My prayer for you is that the peace we celebrate will enliven your hearts to feel the joy of the season;  the hope that we celebrate will lead you into a fulfilling future; and the love we celebrate will…

Word of thanks to all who made our Anniversary celebration so beautiful and meaningful.

Just a simple word of thanks to all who made our Anniversary celebration so beautiful and meaningful. Our Mass was beautiful and inspiring. Bishop Bambera delivered and excellent and moving message to all present. Our Traditional Choir, as usual, added such beautiful music before and during the Mass. We thank the Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus for being the honor guard for the Bishop. And a Thank You to all who helped in any way at the Mass: ushers, greeters, readers, ministers, servers offertory procession and the participants of the event. As to the…

50th Anniversary BBQ

What a great event! Over two hundred people came out last Sunday to our Anniversary Celebration BBQ. There was delicious foods, enjoyable conversations, good music, fun games, and a great time had by all. Thank You to Steven and Karen Miller who were the chairpersons for the BBQ and their many workers and volunteers who helped and did so much. The planning, organizing, setting up, cooking, serving and cleaning were done to perfection. Thank you BBQ team for a job well done. And thank You to all who came out to celebrate…

Annual Homecoming Bazaar – Thank You!

Our Annual Homecoming Bazaar has come to another successful conclusion. A little rain during the week and on Friday night dampened the activities a bit, but it didn’t hurt the spirit of all who came out. I just want to take this moment to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all who did so much to make our Bazaar a successful parish activity. Our general chairpersons, the Brosnan Family, and the general chairperson from all the sections of the…

Hot Days of Summer

We complain in the winter, it’s too cold.  we complain in the summer, it’s too hot.  I think we just like to complain.  Jesus hears our complaints.  He hears our requests.  He hears our joys.  And he responds to what he hears.  Maybe a feeling of peace in one’s heart;  maybe an inspirational thought; maybe someone coming up to us and offering some help or a suggestion.  But also He comes to us as a community of believers.  And that…

Summer Months

As I write this, school is about to finish for this year and the CCD (Religious Education) program has completed.  Unfortunately, that also seems to be the time when many of the children seem to disappear from Mass.  Many of those smiling faces, the hand slaps and the little hugs are not there every Sunday.  The Children coming to Mass is not only their obligation, but more so,  it is sometimes the vitality of the Church.  Their presence ensures a…


Starting the first weekend in June (June 3rd), we will implement our new Mass schedule.  The Saturday evening Mass will remain at 5:00 pm.   But the Sunday schedule will now be 8:30am  &  10:30 am.  We have reduced the number of Masses as the attendance had been dropping.   Our Church holds 700 people in the main area of the Church, and, if necessary, an additional 100-150 in the chapel and upper meeting room, both opening into the Church.   So there…