Pastor’s Post (Page 13)

Pastor’s Post (Page 13)

Pastor’s Post

Share all that Jesus has given us.

In today’s Gospel about the Transfiguration, we see Jesus in a dazzling brightness and the appearance of Moses and Elijah. Peter, James and John are so moved, excited and exhilarated, that they want to stay and build booths for all. In the greatness and joy of the moment, they forgot why they were called as Apostles. They forgot about the others and the people they were being called to serve. We are like that at times. A nice thing happens…

How do we respond to temptation?

We are faced with temptations every day. This week’s Gospel tells us about the temptations Jesus faced in the desert while He was preparing to face crucifixion. Change a rock into bread. Enjoy. Nobody will know. Or maybe change the price tag, don’t worry about the excess change you received, or the item missed in your shopping cart. Enjoy the freebie, nobody will know. Throw yourself off the parapet of the temple. Your heavenly Father will protect and save you.…

Be renewed in faith

Each of us need a spiritual uplift in our lives periodically. It’s so easy to get down on ourselves due to various events and circumstances in our lives. Lent, which begins this Wednesday, can be that spiritual uplift in our lives. It may seem odd to call a time of sacrifice and fasting as a spiritual uplifting, but doing without some things and after doing some extra spiritual activities, we recognize how much good is in our lives. That good…

Birthday Wishes – Thank You!

I just wanted to say a very special Thank You for all your birthday wishes, gifts and cards as I celebrated my seventieth birthday. Your thoughtfulness and kindness made it a very special day despite the physical difficulties I am experiencing. God Bless You!

Let The Heart Give

Is it possible to live the teachings of Jesus we read in today’s Gospel? Jesus really went for it with his Sermon on the Plain – – love the people who are hardest to love, pray for people you don’t like, give things away, don’t ask for them back, let people take things, don’t ask for them back, let people strike you, don’t strike back, don’t judge, don’t condemn, be kind, forgive and do it all without expecting anything in…

Season Of Lent Begins Soon

SEASON OF LENT begins in less than three weeks. It’s like a forty day spiritual retreat. Jesus spent this time in the desert preparing himself to face the cross. We need to plan to take this time to reinvigorate our spiritual lives through this season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Start planning your schedules. Maybe attend an extra Mass during the week. Maybe putting aside some scheduled times for daily prayer. Maybe planning some family prayer time or even a…

Personal Message

Many have been asking about me: Is he okay? When will he be back? Well, it’s been a long ten weeks: good days, bad days, ups & downs. Two week long stints in the hospital and a lot of doctor visits and ambulance rides. I was planning to start back last Saturday, but a major set back changed that. Still pushing and trying to get back as soon as possible. I am working from the rectory and in touch with…

“Rising Together in Christ” Annual Appeal – Thank You!

We made our goal thanks to the 210  families that donated or pledged to this year’s Appeal. With your donation, you are helping our children learn about their faith. You are bringing the Mass into the home  of the homebound. You are helping to feed the hungry and shelter the homeless. And  you’re helping education seminarians studying for the priesthood.

“Gone fishin”: Our Faith Is The Net

In a very old comic strip, every time things would get to be too much for the main characters you could bet on seeing the “Gone fishin” sign posted on a near by tree. It was a literary device used to bring a break to the previous acting and change the story line. In a way, St. Luke does the same thing in Sunday’s Gospel. After the press of the crowds, Jesus convinces Simon to let him teach from the…

Accept Jesus’ challenge and love one another.

Can you imagine how mad the people were at Jesus in today’s Gospel? They wanted to throw him, who they knew growing up, right off the cliff. How did Jesus go from hometown hero to mobs seeking to kill him? As we follow Jesus, it is easy to like him for his miracles, for his humbling the Pharisees and his beautiful and inspiring words. We all like to see those pictures of beautiful babies or some cute cats or puppies.…

What do we have to offer?

After reading today’s second reading from St. Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians, I ask all of us: What do we have to offer? We should never think that what we have to offer is insignificant. We should never think our part is too little. We should never reduce ourselves to a simple number. The Body of Christ needs every part, every person, to fulfill his or her role in life so that God’s plan can be victorious over the powers…

Ordinary Time is anything but ordinary.

We have begun Ordinary Time in the Church’s liturgical year. It starts now until the start of Lent and again after Easter until Advent. During this time, the prayers and readings have us accompany Jesus in his public ministry. We hear of His healings, His signs and miracles, and His all important teachings so that we can be reminded, reaffirmed and challenged to live the Christian life. We are told by the Lord to forgive, accept others generously, be healed…