Pastor’s Post (Page 12)

Pastor’s Post (Page 12)

Pastor’s Post

The feast of God dwelling within us.

The fifty days of Easter do not end with a whimper. Easter does not appear to go out quietly, according to the description in Acts. Easter comes to its fulfillment with “noise like a strong driving wind.” The noise fills the whole house where the disciples are gathered. The sound causes others to gather to find out what is going on. It was a gathering from every nation. The diversity of those gathered seems to correspond to the uniqueness of…

Remember those who sacrificed for our freedom.

Memorial Day is an American Holiday honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. Military. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Even though many will use this as a long weekend away from work, to travel or hold a barbeque, don’t forget its…

We are never too old to learn about our faith.

This week, thirty one of our children will be confirmed. These children will be seen now as young adults in the Church, taking responsibility for their faith lives. It is too bad that some see this as their graduation from religion and now need to do no more. But in reality this is just their beginning to exercise their faith on their own, just as the Apostles did on that first Pentecost. Do you continue to learn about your faith?…

Love asks the best from us, and brings out the best in us.

A journalist, after watching Mother Teresa caring for a man with gangrene, remarked to her: “I wouldn’t do that for a million dollars.” Mother Teresa replied, “Neither would I… but I do it for love of God.” Jesus in today’s Gospel says to love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. Selfishness builds barriers and keeps us shut in. What frees us is caring for others, being friends, being good neighbors. Being loved…

Happy Mother’s Day

Let us take this time to wish all our Moms a Happy Mothers Day. For some it may just be memories of our Moms and all they did for us. For others, our Moms are still with us and we need to appreciate them. They brought us into this world; they nurture us with their love and attention; and they are always there for us. Happy Mothers Day!

Come to Church and follow the Lord

Early on during the pandemic, Churches were closed and people kept asking when will we get back to an open Church and Mass. We are back to an open Church and regular Mass schedule. In getting back, we have taken all kinds of precautions to keep people safe by sanitizing after every Mass. But I wonder where all the people are? In today’s reading from Acts, the Apostles kept preaching about Jesus despite the order by the Sanhedrin not to.…

Thank you to all who made Lent and Easter celebrations so prayerful, reflective and beautiful.

We just experienced a prayerful Lenten Season, witnessed Jesus’ sacrifice in our beautiful Holy Week Services and joyously celebrate Easter. I hope you experienced the presence and peace of Christ in all these gatherings. I would like to say Thank You to all who have worked hard to make our celebrations so beautiful: our most helpful priest, Father Tom and Deacon Len who carried the load especially over these last few months; our administrative staff who keeps the parish functioning…

Happy Easter!

Today’s celebration of Easter is one of great joy, happiness and peace. Jesus is Risen! He has come back to life. My prayer and greeting for you is that you share in His joy and peace. As Jesus came back to life, we come to experience new life – refreshed in spirit, forgiven of our sins, and a new beginning. May the peace of Christ be yours today as you gather with family. May the love of Christ strengthen your…

Let Holy Week guide you along the path of life Jesus has set before you.

Today we begin the holiest week of the Church year, a vivid reminder of all that Jesus endured out of His love for us. Don’t let Holy Week be just another seven days of routine. Make it a time different from other days. Reflect on Jesus’ Way of the Cross as He suffered and died for our sins. Put aside Holy Thursday and spend it in prayer with Jesus as He prepares for His Crucifixion. Read the Passion again and…

What does “forgiveness” feel like?

What does “forgiveness” feel like? At some time in our life, we have sought and been forgiven of a wrong we have committed. What did that experience mean to you? Can you put it in the frame of today’s Gospel? This woman is dragged in front of Jesus and surrounded by all these accusers. I’m sure a very scary moment! But Jesus diffuses the moment by simply reminding them that we are all sinners and therefore not to judge or…

Rejoice Sunday

It’s Laetare Sunday or Rejoice Sunday. What do we have to rejoice about. Maybe a gift received, or a favor done, or a compliment paid. These are all nice and for awhile will bring a sense of happiness. But if you want to rejoice in receiving something, it needs to be more. Maybe today’s Gospel shows us that when the younger son left home, spent his inheritance, and now comes back seeking help. The Father (God) holds no grudges, no…

Lent: A time to deepen our contact with the Lord.

Today’s Gospel tells of the unproductive fig tree which the owner wants to cut down and get rid of. That fig tree can represent for us people in our lives who don’t meet up to our personal standards and so we cut them out of our lives. In the Gospel, the gardener asks for a reprieve again for the tree and promises to bring it back to life. That is Jesus in our lives. He constantly gives us reprieves, forgiveness,…