Posts from 2024 (Page 4)

Posts from 2024 (Page 4)

Our Lenten Journey

As we begin our Lenten journey, let us make it a time of spiritual renewal, especially through prayer and penance. Formerly the six weeks of Lent meant a time of severe penance as a way of purifying ourselves from our sinful habits and getting ready to celebrate the Paschal Mystery (the passion, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ), with a renewed commitment to follow Christ. In our present time, the Church leaves this Lenten practice of penance to the good…

THANK YOU from the High School Youth Group

THANK YOU from the High School Youth Group for your support of their annual “Souper Bowl” collection last weekend. Through your support and generosity, they raised $ 1,500.00. This money will be divided and donated to our local food pantries and soup kitchens that serve our community. Thank You and God Bless You!

“People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

Rebecca O’Conner is a nurse at New York Presbyterian Hospital. When she saw the horrific images of the Asian tsunami, she knew she had to do something, so she flew to Sri Lanka with eight other medical Professionals. They set up a makeshift clinic in a downtown Sri Lankan mosque, treating hundreds of people a day with respiratory problems and foot and leg wounds. Then they discovered there was a hospital less than a mile away. So the obvious question…

World Day of Prayer

Every February, we commemorate World Day of Prayer for the Sick to devote special attention to those who are ill, but it is also a celebration of God’s mercy, especially through the work of those in the healthcare field. In 1992, then Pope John Paul II designation this coming Sunday as that special day of prayer and sharing, of offering one suffering for the good of the Church and of reminding us to see in our sick brothers and sisters…

Do our actions speak our words?

I am sure that you have heard the phrase “actions speak louder than words.” When you listen to today’s Gospel, maybe that is what Jesus was speaking – with authority and not like the scribes. The Scribes and Pharisees spoke but hardly ever backed up those words with action. Jesus spoke and His words came to life as He cures the man possessed by an unclean spirit. That leaves us the question for ourselves: do our actions speak our words?…

How would you answer if someone asked you to speak to them of God?

Speak to me, O God: Come and See.I asked a poor man: “Please, speak to me ofGod,” and the poor man shared his tea with me.I entreated the house: “Speak to me of God,”and the door opened welcoming me.I asked a child: “Speak to me of God,” and thechild smiled at me.I begged nature: “Speak to me of God,” andnature decked herself with luscious beauty.I asked my friend: “Speak to me of God,” andmy friend caressed me warmly.I asked a…

Church Bells

I announced a few weeks ago that our electronic bell system has broken and is not able to be repaired due to its age. In response to that announcement, we have received an anonymous and generous donation to replace our bell system. The new system is ordered and will be installed in about six weeks. Thank You and God Bless You for your donation.

Heartwarming Generosity

A few weeks ago we asked for donations for bedding, pillows, etc. to provide P.A.T.H. (Pocono Area Transitional Housing). They were overwhelmed at the donations and wanted to send their personal thanks on behalf of the clients they serve for your generosity. Also, I would like to say Thank You on behalf of some O.L.V. Families, Children & Youth, ESU Students and local Seniors for your generosity to the Giving Tree. It is so heartwarming to see so many people…

Who are we looking for in Jesus?

Using today’s Scriptures, let us ask ourselves: Who are we looking for in Jesus? The disciples were looking for a teacher. What are our hearts seeking: a problem solver? a miracle worker? a companion on life’s journey? Whatever it is we are seeking, Christ, the Lord, is always present here in the Eucharist. And He invites us to come and stay with Him a while. If we dare to do so, we, like Andrew in the Gospel, might come to…

Thank You and God Bless You for your generous support to your Parish and Church

I wish to express my thanks to you for your generosity in this year’s Christmas collection. The total came to $18,865.00. The Christmas collection as well as the Easter one, makes up for what isn’t able to be covered by our regular Sunday collection. It’s a huge help financially. Thank You and God Bless You for your generous support to your Parish and Church.

A Personal Thank You

Many of you sent me cards, gave me gifts, and baked some delicious goodies and foods. I just wish to say Thank You for your kindness and for making me part of your Christmas thoughts. The Spirit of Christmas is truly present. Thank You and God Bless!