Posts from June 2024

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Let us remember the freedom we cherish as a nation.

by Fr. Rich

As fireworks light up the sky and the smell of barbecue fills the air, this Thursday we will come together as a nation to celebrate the Fourth of July. It is a day marked by patriotism, freedom, and the remembrance of our nation’s founding history. But for Christians and Catholics, Independence Day holds a deeper […]

Christ is with us

by Fr. Rich

Life is full of storms. At times, they can become so strong and strange that our human strength can no longer help or support us. At such moments fear and complaining take over the central stage of our life. Even in some cases, we might lose our faith in God, thinking that He has abandoned […]

Happy Father’s Day

by Fr. Rich

As we gather on this Fathers Day Weekend, we honor our Dads. We remember those who have passed as we think of the many ways they have inspired us. We pray for those still with us, so that they guide their children. Here’s a prayer in their honor. Heavenly Father, As we celebrate this special […]

Speak the truth in love

by Fr. Rich

Today’s Gospel challenges us to face rejection with prophetic courage and optimism. Very often our friends, families, or childhood companions fail to listen to us and refuse to accept the words of grace, love, and encouragement that we offer to them because they know so much about us and are so used to us that […]

Celebration of my Fiftieth Anniversary of Ordination.

by olv18372

Dear Friends at OLV, You absolutely overwhelmed me last Sunday as we shared the celebration of my Fiftieth Anniversary of Ordination. The two little words of thank you cannot come close to letting you know the gratitude and appreciation I feel for all who contributed to such an exciting and wonderful day. I hope the […]

Feast Of Corpus Christi

by Fr. Rich

In our life, we have many things to be thankful for. These could be gifts, favors done, help offered or even a few minutes spent with a friend. We might say the Eucharist is all of that and much more. Because it is Jesus Himself seen through the appearance of bread and wine. Today we […]