Posts from October 2022

Posts from October 2022

What would you do to see Jesus?

Today’s Gospel tells us about Zacchaeus, a wealthy tax collector, who was curious to see Jesus. He was short in stature and knew he would not be able to see over the crowds. So he went out of his way to climb a tree just to see Jesus who then said I must stay at your house. That meeting changed his life. What would you do to see Jesus? Well, you don’t have to climb a tree, just come to…

Leave the judging to the Lord.

In today’s Gospel: who is the bad guy and who is the good guy? The Pharisee who didn’t go away justified was the one who knew the scriptures and lived them to the letter. They taught them to others. They defended the faith and when their country was overthrown they were martyred for that faith. The publican was the sinner who took resources away from the average person through over taxing, and he walked away justified. Why? That’s the question…

Prayer is our means of creating a relationship with God.

Be persistent in prayer is what Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel. But in today’s society, persistence isn’t what we do. We want answers immediately. Such as, I said a prayer this morning and by noon, nothing happened. I guess God isn’t listening! What are we looking for? What kind of answer do we expect? Prayer is our means of creating a relationship with God. In our relationship, our lives are being transformed. We go from wanting something that we…

Mass is our great prayer of Thanksgiving

This message comes as we are trying to end the Covid-19 isolation – our own leper experience of being isolated from society. But as we come back from all this, have we taken the time to show our appreciation? For some it may have been food supplies, some stimulus checks, others live streaming Masses, and still others a phone call simply to check if all is okay. Have we expressed our thanks for these and other things provided us? In…

Faith is a relationship of trust and love.

“Supersize that meal” is what we say at our favorite fast food place. That means more fries and a larger soda. But to Supersize our faith is not the same as the Apostles in today’s Gospel find out. Faith is not about size or quantity as Jesus points out when He says, “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can tell that tree to be uprooted and replanted in the sea. And it would obey you.”…