Pastor’s Post (Page 9)

Pastor’s Post (Page 9)

Pastor’s Post

Looking through the eyes of faith.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us the Beatitudes. When we hear them, what exactly do we hear. Do words of suffering stand out: blessed are the poor in spirt, the mourning, the hungry for righteousness, the persecuted and insulted? Or do we hear words of hope and peace. In the midst of every dark cloud there is a silver lining, if we believe and look through the eyes of faith. In all our suffering, difficulties, problems and troubles, do we…

Hear the call to Jesus’ ministry.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus says to Peter and Andrew, “Come after me and I will make you fishers of men.” They dropped everything and followed the Lord. How would we respond to Jesus’ call to ministry? There was this man who works as a missionary in Haiti. He used to have a good office position in a big firm. He had a good salary, nice clothes and a new car. One day he was praying and he heard Jesus say…

The Gift of Forgiveness

John the Baptist saw Jesus and said, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” Jesus takes away our sins. Do we do the same for others. What happens when we don’t forgive? A teacher once told each of her students to bring a clear plastic bag and a sack of potatoes to school. For every person they refuse to forgive in their life’s experience, they choose a potato, write on it the name and…

Feast of the Epiphany

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, the manifestation of Jesus to the world as witnessed by the Magi following the star to where Jesus was born and then presenting their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to him. I often wonder what kind of gifts could we bring to Jesus? Maybe we can give the gift of friendship with God which we offer through wholehearted love and devotion. A second gift can be friendship with others. This may…

Happy New Year!

In today’s Gospel, we hear about the Shepherds coming to see Jesus and sharing what has been told to them by the angel. Then we’re told, “Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.” Just what was she reflecting on? Some thoughts: the shepherds’ stories, greeting Elizabeth and the baby leapt in her womb, the appearance of the angel Gabriel, Joseph wanting to divorce her, the Magi soon to arrive. It’s a lot to think about! What…

Merry Christmas!

Today we celebrate Christmas, the birth of the Prince of Peace. Traditionally, it has been a day when we gather as family to share greetings, gifts and a spirit of love and peace around a dinner table. Historically, It has been a day where wars paused and enemies became friends. It has always been a day when generosity showed forth as gifts and greetings are exchanged. My prayer for all of you today is that the peace of Christ we…

“Trust in the Lord, and do good…”

In today’s Gospel we hear that Joseph is about ready to divorce Mary. But through the message of an angel, about the child Jesus to be born, Joseph stayed the course and took Mary into his home as his wife. Joseph is unsure of what will happen next but he believed God would provide. He lived his life following the words of scripture: “Trust in the Lord, and do good…” (Ps 37:3) Like Joseph we too can trust in the…

What everyday, simple things, remind you of Jesus?

From a cat owner: You’ve probably seen funny videos on social media of cats climbing and sometimes destroying Christmas trees. Luckily, my cat doesn’t knock my tree over or break ornaments. She is fascinated with Christmas decorations though. Cats are creatures of habit—in the extreme. They don’t like change in their surroundings or deviating from their daily routine. I’m kind of the same way, so I get it. My cat has the adorable habit of insisting that she look at…

Our responsibility is great. We are witnesses and precursors.

Behold the Lord will come, prepare His way, make straight His path. . . John [the Baptist] knows that God is preparing something very great, something for which he is to be the instrument; and he himself points in the direction that the Holy Spirit shows him. We know much more now about what it was that God had in mind for humanity. We know Christ and His Church, we have the sacraments. The doctrine of salvation has been perfectly…

Congratulations Deacon Steven Miller.

We wish to extend  our congratulations  to Steven Miller  who will be  ordained a  Permanent Deacon  in the Diocese of Scranton this Saturday at St. Peter’s Cathedral. Steve, and his wife Karen, serve the parish as lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, members of the  Contemporary Choir, and the various societies. We welcome Steve into the clerical state as he will continue to serve in our parish as a permanent deacon,  joining Deacon Len Jinselli. Steve will serve at all the Masses on…

Be and give the gift of Hope.

The Christophers have a saying: “It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.” Today we begin the season of Advent and we light one candle – the candle of Hope. It is a small dim light against a world that often seems forbidding and dark. But we light it because we are a people of hope. It is a hope that we can spread through the actions of our lives. As we watch commercials and see…