Posts by Fr. Rich (Page 8)

Posts by Fr. Rich (Page 8)

Parish Picnic – Thank You!

Last Sunday we had our annual parish picnic in the new pavilion. I wish to thank Deacon Steve, his wife Karen, and their hard working crew of volunteers who made this picnic such a success and enjoyable by all. It was a beautiful day weather wise, and so many of you came out to enjoy the foods, the games, prizes, and just some nice conversations. Thank You & God Bless You!

“Sprinkle Your Faith”

Did you ever stop and think about all the different activities, events and programs your parish has to offer? Many don’t think about this, not because they don’t care, but because their lives are busy too. Along with the most important element – the Mass – the Church offers other spiritual, prayerful and reflective events, such as, Exposition, adoration, and prayer services. It sponsors activities for the youth, from faith formation (CCD), to social events, like movies, carnivals, picnics and…

Is it simply expected?

Every once in a while someone will ask me what do you do all week. Or they may say, you only work one day a week. Most people don’t know what goes on in a parish on a daily basis. When people come to Church and see different decorations or that the Church is clean or there are materials available for people, they don’t think twice about by whom or how these things are done. It is simply expected.

Message of thanksgiving

We are in the midst of a Eucharistic Revival seeing how the Eucharist is the center and driving force of our lives. The word “Eucharist” means thanksgiving. My message today is one of thanksgiving. We just finished our Homecoming Bazaar and I am most grateful for all who worked so hard, long and willingly to make it a success. This is not a litany of names but a recognition of our volunteers who had opened their hearts for their parish…

Share the love of Christ that is in you.

In today’s Gospel, we hear God say: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; listen to Him.” Interesting words to be spoken. We listen a lot: to the radio, television, and people talking. But do we listen to God speak to us. I know you will say that you don’t hear voices coming from the sky! The Lord speaks to us in the written word as well. When was the last time you picked up a…

What do we really value in life?

Our Scriptures today ask us what we may have many times asked ourselves: What do I really value in life? How diligently am I searching for it? Will I recognize it when I see it? What price am I willing to pay to obtain it? Today’s Gospel shows two people who are seeking something valuable in their lives. One finds a treasure buried in a field and the other a pearl of great price. Each goes out and sells all…

Let God separate the weeds from the wheat.

When I read this Gospel, I thought of an old adage: ‘There is a little bit of bad in the best of us and there is a little bit of good in the worst of us.” But still we all try to eliminate the bad (weeds) around us even though Jesus says it’s not that easy. We may pull out the wheat (the good) and thus hurt someone who is trying their best to be helpful and kind. We may…

God’s Word

Isaiah describes a beautiful analogy about how the rain and snow descends from heaven, nourishing the earth and enabling it to bear fruit. This imagery reminds us that God’s Word holds a profound purpose and effect in our lives. His Word has the great ability to breathe life into our existence, bring about a transformation in ways we could not even imagine. When we read and open ourselves to God’s Word, we allow it to permeate the depths of our…

The Miracle of the Eucharist.

At a Sunday Mass a little while back, a little girl about seven years old got out of her seat and sat in the middle aisle, where she remained for the entire Mass. Afterwards, I asked her why she sat there. She said because I wanted to see what the priest was doing at the altar, but in the seat, I couldn’t see above the people in front of me. Today’s Gospel says “…although you have hidden these things from…

Independence Day

This week we celebrate Independence Day. In our Declaration of Independence, we read: “…that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Our lives are important from conception to natural death; our liberty to do what we want without infringement on another’s right; and our pursuit of happiness without discrimination. I thank God and experience these rights every time I go to Mass. Look around and see…

Faith Over Fear

In today’s Gospel, Jesus says:” Fear no one.” Then He says, fear only the one who can destroy the soul with the body. In all that is happening around us, it seems like the spirit of America is being wiped out. Fear has gripped our nation on so many fronts. With every news report we are told to fear. It could be another mass shooting. It could be our different ethnic backgrounds. It could be the religion we practice. It…

Happy Fathers Day

Just want to express a Happy Fathers Day to all our Dads. May you experience the peace of Christ through your families. For our deceased Dads, may they share in Christ’s peace in their heavenly home.