Posts by Fr. Rich (Page 17)
THANK YOU! – Annual Parish Picnic
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Last Sunday was our Annual Parish Picnic. The rain came down, but that didn’t dampened anyone’s spirits. (See the pictures on our Facebook page.) Everyone had a good time: playing games, listening to the music and entertainment, and enjoying some delicious foods. I just want to express my THANKS to the picnic group who organized and put on a great picnic. Your work, generosity and dedication is second to none. Thank You and God…
Look to the Lord
In today’s Gospel, Jesus offers us a choice of whether to believe in and follow him or to go our own separate ways. Some could not handle the teachings of Jesus and left. Peter said, Lord, you have the words of eternal life. There is no other way to go. What is our choice? Do we walk away when the cross gets heavy? Do we say no, when we are asked to support the poor and needy while others are…
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven.
Today we celebrate this Feast in honor of the Blessed Mother: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven. Every time we celebrate a Feast of Mary or are reminded of her faith by one of her titles, I think of her Magnificat which is today’s Gospel. “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord…” Mary turns her life over to the Lord and through Mary He comes into our lives. How many of us can say this same…
Homecoming Bazaar – THANK YOU!
HOMECOMING BAZAAR – MINI-FESTIVAL was held last weekend. It was quite different from past bazaars due to the pandemic, its effects and after effects. But despite that, all was a success. THANK YOU to those who organized this parish event. Denise & Shawn Brosnan, our general chairpersons; Rocco & Gio Stigliano, food chairpersons and cooks; Marge & Andy McLean, Raffles; Megan Deleo, Sponsors; and many more who worked in different capacities to make this festival a huge success. I can’t…
Share the kindness, joy and happiness of the Lord.
In the opening verse of today’s Gospel, the Jews were complaining about Jesus. They didn’t seem to like what Jesus was saying. They didn’t want to accept who He was. We all do our fair share of complaining, and sometimes with good reason. We complain about the weather a great deal. We complain about all kinds of things. If we are not careful we can find ourselves complaining about nothing in particular, just complaining. We can easily get ourselves into…
Beyond The Things Of This World
People “hunger” for so many things in life. Some hunger for perfection, societal status, or even financial stability. Some hunger for excessive amounts of almost anything. Some hunger for only the delicacies and luxuries in life. Some hunger for so much food, just look around you and see this. Any of these “hungers” will satisfy us for the moment. But these hungers continue to gnaw at us and temp us away from what is truly important in our lives. Jesus…
Be That Miracle
How many people can you feed with two fish and five loaves of bread? Jesus fed five thousand. I believe generosity is contagious. Share a little something with another, whether that be a stranger, friend, neighbor or family, and watch what happens. It seems to spark something inside oneself. Whether that is from guilt, compassion, or a memory of someone helping you, that generosity becomes contagious and we want to do something for someone else. Multiply that just a few…
True Leadership
What is a leader? Is it someone who takes control of everyone and everything around them? Is it someone who wants and demands the respect and obedience of others? Is it someone who likes a title? In today’s Gospel, Jesus gives us the example of true leadership: The Good Shepherd. His leadership is rooted in peace, truth, goodness, compassion, righteousness, mercy, reconciliation, sacrifice and a never-ending love. He brings the scattered home. He shows the lost His way of love.…
Kindness Will Repeat Itself
What do you pack when you go on vacation? How about just a weekend trip? What do you take with you for a trip to the beach? After thinking about this, now go back and read today’s Gospel. Jesus is sending His disciples out into the world to proclaim the Good News to everyone. He told them, take nothing with you but a walking stick – no food, no sack, no money no second tunic. All they needed was Faith.…
Diocesan Annaul Appeal – Thank You!
A very sincere THANK YOU! We made our goal! Our Lady of Victory Parish always comes forward to help those in need. The Appeal money helps so many in so many ways. Again, THANK YOU for your generosity!
Independence Day
Today we celebrate Independence Day. As a nation we became an independent union. We have a Declaration of Independence that states that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. We will celebrate with cookouts, family gatherings, parties and just relaxing. But in the midst of however we celebrate, let us remember what Jesus has given us. He has given us the Life for which we seek…
The answer?… Compliment
What doesn’t cost anything, but is worth so very much? What can be given many times, and you never run out of? What can you give to others that makes you and the other person feel good. In all cases the answer is a compliment. Today’s Gospel talks about healing, the little girl back to life and the woman sick for many years now cured. I don’t think any of us can accomplish that kind of healing. But we can…