Posts by Fr. Rich (Page 16)
Preparing for the Eternal Moment
So many of us like to plan our future, whether that be next week or a year from now. We like to know what is going to happen. Listening to the Gospel today, we see we cannot plan our eternal future. That time and moment is reserved to God alone. So maybe we can live our lives already preparing and being prepared for that eternal moment. We cannot buy our way into heaven by doing good deeds. But doing good…
Vocations: Being Christ for others.
As I read the Gospel this weekend about the poor widow who put into the collection simply two coins. These coins were nearly all she had to live on. She truly sacrificed. Today we pray for vocations, specifically, vocations to priesthood and religious life. What is a vocation to priesthood? To me, it’s giving your whole life over to Christ. It’s sacrificing personal wants and desires for the sake of bringing Christ to others. It means administering the sacraments; bringing…
If you were with Jesus, what would you ask for?
The scribe in today’s Gospel asked Jesus what is the greatest commandment. Why did he ask this? Was is for knowledge or justification in his life? If you were with Jesus, what would you ask for? Would you ask for something for yourself? Or like Solomon asked for wisdom to lead God’s people. Would you ask for the pain to be taken away? Or would you hear Jesus say help me to carry the cross of your sinfulness? Would you…
Christ’s goodness is all around us.
In today’s Gospel, Bartimaeus responds to Jesus question by saying “I want to see!” I’m reminded here of the cliche, “Be careful what you ask for.” What would we see? Many people’s lives focused on the negative and so they will only see things and events that are bad, hurtful, spiteful and just plain wrong. But maybe if we asked the Lord to see, we might start seeing all the good that is happening around us. We’ll start to notice…
Live a life based on the words and actions of Jesus.
Jesus said to the rich young man who wanted a guarantee to eternal life to sell what you have, give it to the poor, and then come and follow me. What does it mean to follow Jesus? Simply put it is to live a life based on the words and actions of Jesus. In the last few weeks we have asked for people to help volunteer at the Church. Examples: Ministering at Mass or taking communion to homebound, singing in…
Maybe yes? Maybe no?
The rich, young man in the Gospel wanted a guarantee to get into heaven. He followed the Commandments and lived a good life. Jesus said get rid of all your riches and then come follow me. The young man couldn’t do it. Do you think you can give up all your possessions and follow Jesus? Maybe yes? Maybe no? But maybe we can start slowly. How about giving up some of your time and talent. Volunteer to help others. Sacrifice…
“Respect Life” is more than just a catchphrase.
Today is Respect Life Sunday. “Respect Life” is more than just a catchphrase. It needs to be a way of living. Respect life. Not just in the womb, but everywhere, at every time, in all circumstances — within our families, our communities, our schools, and the places we work and do business. It means treating every life with dignity, and honoring every life as a gift. By changing how we talk about life, how we treat life, how we teach…
Standing on God’s side.
At the height of Civil War, Abraham Lincoln was asked to lead a large gathering of Union forces in a prayer to God that He might be on their side. Lincoln stood up and said: “Sir, I am not really concerned about whether God is on our side. I am very concerned whether we are on God’s side.” We all want to be on God’s side. But standing on God’s side is not always easy. Making room for God’s bigger…
Is God asking you to be his messenger to someone today?
Mark had just gotten off a commuter train when an older woman asked for directions. She was supposed to meet a friend who was taking a particular bus to a particular spot near the train station. She had some trouble with the English language, and the instructions from her friend were not great. Mark walked with her to the nearest bus stop, but he wasn’t really sure it was the right place. He was beginning to feel he was not…
Start of a new school year and our CCD Classes.
Today we invite the children together to start off a new school year and our CCD Classes. Do you know what the letters CCD stand for? It means Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. A mouthful to say religion classes. Our children, who don’t attend Catholic School, attend these classes once a week over the course of the school year. That’s just an hour a week! Hardly enough to teach and help them understand the faith, that is, what Jesus taught, what…
Happy Labor Day!
In 1981, Saint Pope John Paul II wrote an encyclical entitled “On Human Labor.” “Work is a good thing for man – a good thing for his humanity – because through work man not only transforms nature, adapting it to his own needs, but he also achieves fulfillment as a human being and indeed, in a sense, becomes “more a human being”. On this Labor Day Weekend, let us stop for a moment to think about each other as workers…
Recognize the blessings that we have been given.
The Pharisees let their habit of hand washing over shadow Jesus’ word to love one another. We have habits too that at times overtake our lives. Some of us might have the habit of comfort, the habit of least resistance. At the end of our work we plop down in front of the television set or the computer screen, and hours go by. Over the course of the week we can waste a great deal of time. We never stop…