Posts from September 2021

Posts from September 2021

Standing on God’s side.

At the height of Civil War, Abraham Lincoln was asked to lead a large gathering of Union forces in a prayer to God that He might be on their side. Lincoln stood up and said: “Sir, I am not really concerned about whether God is on our side. I am very concerned whether we are on God’s side.” We all want to be on God’s side. But standing on God’s side is not always easy. Making room for God’s bigger…

Is God asking you to be his messenger to someone today?

Mark had just gotten off a commuter train when an older woman asked for directions. She was supposed to meet a friend who was taking a particular bus to a particular spot near the train station. She had some trouble with the English language, and the instructions from her friend were not great. Mark walked with her to the nearest bus stop, but he wasn’t really sure it was the right place. He was beginning to feel he was not…

Start of a new school year and our CCD Classes.

Today we invite the children together to start off a new school year and our CCD Classes. Do you know what the letters CCD stand for? It means Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. A mouthful to say religion classes. Our children, who don’t attend Catholic School, attend these classes once a week over the course of the school year. That’s just an hour a week! Hardly enough to teach and help them understand the faith, that is, what Jesus taught, what…

Happy Labor Day!

In 1981, Saint Pope John Paul II wrote an encyclical entitled “On Human Labor.” “Work is a good thing for man – a good thing for his humanity – because through work man not only transforms nature, adapting it to his own needs, but he also achieves fulfillment as a human being and indeed, in a sense, becomes “more a human being”. On this Labor Day Weekend, let us stop for a moment to think about each other as workers…