News Announcements from February 2025

News Announcements from February 2025

Season Of Lent

SEASON OF LENT begins with Ash Wednesday, March 5th. Ashes will be distributed at two Masses: 8:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. and a two prayer services, 12:15 P.M. and 4:15 P.M. Stations of the Cross will be offered on Fridays at 12:15 P.M and again at 7:00 P.M. The Lenten Season gives us the opportunity to reflect on our faith lives. We seek forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, We offer sacrifice to remind us of the great sacrifice of Jesus…

Senior Lunch Program

SENIOR LUNCH PROGRAM will be starting again in March. On Thursdays a lunch will be offered to our seniors. You drive up and we deliver to your car. A $2.00 offering is asked but not required. On the Sunday prior to the lunch, the menu will announced in the bulletin and through Flocknote. Then you need to call and order your lunch and it will be ready for pick up on Thursday.

Catholic Cookies & Conversation

With Lent on the horizon, you may be seeking new opportunities to grow your faith. OLV is offering two events that will allow you to do just that. We will be screening two of the Martin Scorsese Presents: The Saints docudramas, which will be followed by a discussion. On Sunday, March 9, view “John the Baptist,” and on Sunday, March 23, “Maximilian Kolbe.” The videos will be shown after the 10:30 a.m. Masses, beginning at 11:45 a.m. To attend, you need to…

Annual Appeal – “Our Call To Serve”

THANK YOU to all who donated to this year’s Appeal. We have surpassed our parish goal and have done our part in supporting the many fine programs throughout our diocese. Thank You & God Bless You! As Christ gave Himself to us, we are called to serve and be generous towards others especially those in need. Your Appeal donation supports our children and their Catholic education in Catholic Schools and Parish Religious Education classes. Through the media, it brings religious…