Pastor’s Post (Page 20)

Pastor’s Post (Page 20)

Pastor’s Post

Look at each other through the lens of God.

Whenever you ask a group of little children questions about Jesus or faith, or what does God want us to do, their answers always come down to ‘love.’ Maybe, in their own simple ways, they have the right answer. Because in today’s Gospel when Jesus was asked about the greatest commandment, that was His answer: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and Love your neighbor as yourself. We don’t need to complicate the words of…

Strive to make His presence felt through our lives.

Jesus’ response to the Pharisee’s attempted trap was priceless: ‘Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar; but give to God what belongs to God.’ We’re all good at giving to Caesar – pay taxes, cover our bills, fix the property, care for what we own. But how good are we at giving to God? Do we give Him our devotion and thanks: MASS. (In person, life-streamed)? Do we honor HIS WORD: help those in need? Do we show Him RESPECT:…

Kingdom of God and the Lord’s invitation to enter.

Today’s Gospel is the third parable speaking about the Kingdom of God and the Lord’s invitation to enter. We are told today that we are invited to the Banquet. Maybe that banquet is the Eucharist; maybe the banquet is the Church. Jesus tells us these three stories making the same point because it is a crucial one. And the Church chooses to recount these three stories in a row each year we’re reading Matthew, it’s because the message is equally…

Pray the Rosary – Be inspired in faith – Love one another!

As we begin the month of October, let us reflect on our Blessed Mother for this is the Month of the Rosary. The world and our ways of living have changed drastically these past few months. We’re in the midst of a pandemic with social distancing and the fear of getting sick. We’re seeing people fighting against each other: racism, rioting, distrust and fear. We hear everyday in the political arena of how to tear others apart rather than work…

Promises Made – Promises Broken?

How many of us do what the two sons in today’s Gospel did? We say we will do something and then don’t. Or we say no, then have pangs of conscience, and go and fulfill the task. How many times have we done this with our faith? I’m going to get to Mass; I’m going to pray more often; I’m going to be a kinder person. We’ve made these promises and we’ve broken them when something better comes along. We’ve…

Thank you! 2020 golf tournament.

Just wanted to say Thank You to the Golf Committee who ran an enjoyable and successful golf tournament last week. It was beautiful day, weatherwise, and a fun day golfing and even winning some prizes. Thank you to the Committee for an outstanding job, the Farda Family for the use of Hideaway Hills Golf Course and the sixty golfers who played.

From “Living with Christ” It’s just not fair!

From “Living with Christ” It’s just not fair! Like children who bemoan being denied something that has been afforded another, we all intermittently rail against God for not getting our just desserts. Why did this faithful, God-loving, and generous person get stuck with cancer, lose a job, or get rear-ended in traffic while another who appears completely arrogant, inconsiderate, and self-absorbed didn’t? Like laborers in the vineyard we challenge God about the perceived inequity of our situation. It’s hard to…

As people of faith, we are called to a higher existence.

Forgiveness is the topic of the day. A nice word. A great gesture. What we are called to do? But also what can be so overwhelming to truly accomplish. September 11, 2001 is a day we cannot forget. It is a day that congers up feelings of retaliation and hate. It is a day that truly challenges us in forgiveness! How can we forgive? How can we let go? In the human realm, we cannot. But in the spiritual realm…

Our motivation should be love and reconciliation.

Whenever anything happens, it immediately becomes public. Social media, cell phone cameras all contribute to sharing with the world all that happens. Now everyone passes judgement on what they see. But no one really knows all that has happened. Jesus said go privately to the person that has hurt you. Then take one or two others, then go to the community of believers. In each instance, our motivation should be love and reconciliation, not rash judgement, retaliation and condemnation. The…

Parish Picnic – Thank You!

We had or parish picnic last week. For all those who attended, it was a great time. Thank you to the Knights of Columbus who came and helped set up the area. We were entertained by Joe Franzo our DJ and caller for some of the Bingo games. Everyone enjoyed the foods, hot dogs and burgers cooked on the grill by Mike Castrogiovanni. And all served by our volunteers and led by and organized by Karen Miller and her husband…

Do we judge by our own standards or by God’s?

Do we judge by our own standards or by God’s? That is the question to Peter in today’s Gospel and to us. Fear dictates many of our responses in life, like the pandemic, racial issues, and even what we would like to do to help others. Fear is exclusive and causes us to shy away from others and from doing what we know is the right thing to do. The opposite of fear is Love. Jesus loved us so much…

Will you be that rock of faith from which others see and learn?

“Who do you say I am?’ Jesus asked Peter in today’s Gospel. Peter answered with great authority: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” With that Jesus called Peter the “Rock” and said he would lead the Church. What would be your answer to that same question? Would you call Jesus YOUR Savior and YOUR God? Or would He just be generically, the God and Savior? How personally do we take our faith? How far do we…