Posts from March 2022
Rejoice Sunday
It’s Laetare Sunday or Rejoice Sunday. What do we have to rejoice about. Maybe a gift received, or a favor done, or a compliment paid. These are all nice and for awhile will bring a sense of happiness. But if you want to rejoice in receiving something, it needs to be more. Maybe today’s Gospel shows us that when the younger son left home, spent his inheritance, and now comes back seeking help. The Father (God) holds no grudges, no…
Lent: A time to deepen our contact with the Lord.
Today’s Gospel tells of the unproductive fig tree which the owner wants to cut down and get rid of. That fig tree can represent for us people in our lives who don’t meet up to our personal standards and so we cut them out of our lives. In the Gospel, the gardener asks for a reprieve again for the tree and promises to bring it back to life. That is Jesus in our lives. He constantly gives us reprieves, forgiveness,…
Share all that Jesus has given us.
In today’s Gospel about the Transfiguration, we see Jesus in a dazzling brightness and the appearance of Moses and Elijah. Peter, James and John are so moved, excited and exhilarated, that they want to stay and build booths for all. In the greatness and joy of the moment, they forgot why they were called as Apostles. They forgot about the others and the people they were being called to serve. We are like that at times. A nice thing happens…
How do we respond to temptation?
We are faced with temptations every day. This week’s Gospel tells us about the temptations Jesus faced in the desert while He was preparing to face crucifixion. Change a rock into bread. Enjoy. Nobody will know. Or maybe change the price tag, don’t worry about the excess change you received, or the item missed in your shopping cart. Enjoy the freebie, nobody will know. Throw yourself off the parapet of the temple. Your heavenly Father will protect and save you.…