Posts from November 2021
Prayer: A gift of grace
Be vigilant at all times. Today’s Gospel reading from the Gospel of Luke foretells the days when humankind will be witness to many inexplicable signs, both from the sky and here on earth. But even though the events of these days will be unlike any we have ever witnessed, we are to stand tall, ever prayerful, ever vigilant, in anticipation of the coming of the Son of Man. We know that prayer is both a gift of grace and a…
“Is Christ more king of my life now than a year ago?”
Our Liturgical Year began on the 1st Sunday in Advent and concludes today with the Feast of Christ the King. During this year have we re-lived the life of Christ and tried to immerse ourselves in His kingdom? So we can ask: “Is Christ more king of my life now than a year ago?” The influence of a leader is most prevalent. Teachers and students will follow their principal. Employees will emulate their managers. If government leaders have integrity, it…
Preparing for the Eternal Moment
So many of us like to plan our future, whether that be next week or a year from now. We like to know what is going to happen. Listening to the Gospel today, we see we cannot plan our eternal future. That time and moment is reserved to God alone. So maybe we can live our lives already preparing and being prepared for that eternal moment. We cannot buy our way into heaven by doing good deeds. But doing good…
Vocations: Being Christ for others.
As I read the Gospel this weekend about the poor widow who put into the collection simply two coins. These coins were nearly all she had to live on. She truly sacrificed. Today we pray for vocations, specifically, vocations to priesthood and religious life. What is a vocation to priesthood? To me, it’s giving your whole life over to Christ. It’s sacrificing personal wants and desires for the sake of bringing Christ to others. It means administering the sacraments; bringing…