Posts from January 2021

Posts from January 2021

With what authority do you speak?

In today’s Gospel, it says that Jesus taught with authority and not like the scribes. Jesus’ teaching was always about others. We see His miracles for the sake of others, His uplifting and sometimes challenging teachings to bolster others’ faith and we witness to His sacrifice on the cross out of His love of others. With what authority do you speak? Is it a true and honest concern for others? Or is it about what’s best for ‘me’ or what…

Ordinary Time – not so ordinary.

In the Church’s liturgical calendar, we are in Ordinary Time, a six week period between Christmas and Lent. It can seem like a let down after celebrating the joyous birth of Our Savior. It could also feel like a rather blah time as we anticipate the sacrificial and repentant time of Lent. But ordinary time is important for it covers most of our life experiences. In those everyday moments of our life, it is easy to let go of our…

“What are you looking for?”

In today’s Gospel, two of John’s disciples were following Jesus. Jesus stopped and asked them, “What are you looking for?” If Jesus was to ask you that question, what answer would you give? When we look for Jesus, what is it that we want to see or hear? Are we looking for Jesus to take away all our problems; or the wisdom and courage to face them and overcome them? Do we want Jesus to answer our prayers exactly as…

Don’t let an opportunity to be kind ever pass you by.

We all like to be told, “Well done. Good job.” It’s even better to be told that you’re a really great person. Deep in our hearts, we all long to hear the words that Jesus heard as he broke through the waters of the Jordan at his Baptism: “You are my beloved child of whom I am well pleased”. Our true identity is that we are all sons and daughters of God. Knowing this is our identity not only tells…

Thank you for making our Christmas celebrations beautiful.

Even in the midst of a pandemic, so many came through to help prepare our Church for Christmas which made for a beautiful Christmas celebration. We couldn’t do all that we did in the past, but still everything was great. Thank You to all who prepared the Church, our volunteer cleaners and maintenance staff. Thank You to those who decorated and put a festive look to the Church. Thank to our musicians, Contemporary Group and organists who, even without congregational…

Let Christ’s love be the light that guides your life and the lives of those around you.

Today is the Feast of the Epiphany or the Manifestation of the Lord or Three Kings or the Feast of Lights. Whichever title to this Feast you use, it is the Feast that tells us that Jesus came into our world for all people to see, to be recognized, and to be changed. The Magi followed the star and found Jesus. They offered their gifts and then returned home by another way. Was that other way a change of heart…