In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus meets two of His disciples on the road to Emmaus. The destination isn’t all that important, but what happens on the journey is. Jesus listens to their problems, hurts and feelings. He makes them feel better about themselves and their situations. Even though they didn’t recognize that it was Jesus, they invite Him to stay with them longer. Then they broke bread together and they recognized that it was the Lord.
We’re all on this same kind of journey today. We wonder along the way, feeling lost. We can’t go out. We can’t get together with friends. We’ve lost the normalcy of our lives. But maybe on this journey, have we met Jesus and didn’t recognize Him? Have we talked with someone who may have lifted our spirits? Have we done some things that have brought the presence of Jesus into the lives of others?
When we gather at home to eat, do we invite the Lord? A simple prayer will help us focus on the richness of our lives – that is – the presence of Jesus. The sharing of an everyday meal could help us realize what we have in our midst – family, loved ones and Jesus.
We have not been able to come to Mass – our Eucharistic Meal. But the opportunity to participate in a virtual Mass is always available. We can even gather the family at home and read the Scriptures for the day, reflect on their meaning, and share the presence of the Lord in our prayers. As those disciples felt the love of Jesus in their conversation and recognized Him in the breaking of bread, let us also feel His presence in our family meals and in what we can do for others.
Fr. Rich