Annual Appeal – “Our Call To Serve”

Annual Appeal – “Our Call To Serve”

As Christ gave Himself to us, we are called to serve and be generous towards others especially those in need.

“Our Call To Serve”. Our parish goal for this year’s Appeal is $52,345. Wouldyou prayerfully consider making a donation or pledge and so helping us make our goal and do our part in supporting the many fine programs, activities, and people who benefit from the Appeal. So far we have received pledges and donations from 70 donors totally $16,080.00. So we’re at 30% of goal. Remember your Appeal donation supports our children and their Catholic education in Catholic Schools and Parish Religious Education classes. Through the media, it brings religious programs to the homebound. It provides food and shelter for the hungry and homeless, including our veterans. It supports seminarian education and retired priests. So you can see that your donations goes a long way. Please, prayerfully consider making your pledge or donation today. Extra forms are on the table in the Narthex. You can mail in your donation or drop it in the Sunday collection basket. Thank You and God Bless you for your generosity and support.