Pastor’s Post (Page 23)

Pastor’s Post (Page 23)

Pastor’s Post


The shelter-in-place order from Governor Wolf continues through the month of April. Our Bishop, along with so many other Bishops, have cancelled the Holy Week and Easter Masses and Services. All this is being done in the best interests of the people. It is there to help stop the spread ofthe corona virus and trying to keep people safe and healthy. We are asked to stay at home but not to stop living. Conversation can be a great comfort to…

It is a very unusual time.

It is a very unusual time we are experiencing in our parish, our country and around the world. When we had experienced disasters, like 9-1-1, we were told to go out and work together to rebuild and support one another and our country. Now we are asked to stay inside, don’t connect with others, avoid physical contact. This is not our way. It is different. And it is difficult. But maybe it’s this difference we need to embrace for the…

Food baskets for needy families in the parish and local area.

As we prepare to pack food baskets for some needy families in the parish and local area, I just wanted to say Thank You for your continued generosity to our food pantry. We asked for turkeys at Thanksgiving and you came through with enough turkeys to give at Thanksgiving and Christmas and even a few extra to serve at our Community Dinner in December. Your monthly donations of non-perishable food items keeps our pantry stocked to help people throughout the…

Pocono Township Volunteer Fire Company Breakfast

Two Sundays ago our Holy Name Society sponsored a benefit pancake breakfast for the Pocono Township Volunteer Fire Company. Many came out in support of this breakfast and many just stopped over and made a donation. The total raised from this event came to $1,740. On behalf of the volunteers at the fire company and our Holy Name members, THANK YOU for your support. God Bless You!

Parish Picnic & Barbeque

THANK YOU! Our Parish Picnic & Barbeque was held last Sunday. It was a beautiful day, great weather and a wonderful time was had by all. Thank You to Steve & Karen Miller and their dedicated team of volunteers who organized, set up, prepared and ran this beautiful event. You all did a great job. God Bless You!

Results of this year’s Bazaar

Let me once again say Thank You to all who worked long and hard, tirelessly and faithfully, in putting on another successful Bazaar. It takes a lot of planning, effort and work to accomplish such an event. The results of this year’s Bazaar are: Total Income…………. $ 58,220.50 Total Expenses …….. $ 25,053.78 Net Income ………….. $ 33,166.72 Not only was it a successful event for our Church community, a good time for all who worked and attended, but a…

Another Great Bazaar Thank You!

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Last weekend we had another great Bazaar. I saw so many of our parishioners. I saw people I know from other parishes in the area. And I saw many people who have moved from the area but have come back to enjoy the festivities. It was truly a Homecoming Bazaar. I would like to express my sincerest THANKS to all who made this possible: our General Chairpersons, Denise & Shawn Brosnan and their daughters…

Happy Mother’s Day

Let me express wishes to all our mothers for a very happy and joy filled Mother’s Day. May your families bring you joy (as they provide dinner). May your spouses show you love (with a beautiful gift). May your friends bring you happiness. Pray for deceased Moms as they enjoy the peace of God’s heavenly kingdom. Pray for our Moms still with us as they feel that same peace through family and friends.

A Note of Thanks

I would just like to express my thanks to all who help, work and volunteer at Our Lady of Victory and make the job of pastor a lot easier. Fr. Tom Ciba has been a great help to me especially since my surgery. Deacon Len has done an exceptional job in taking on more responsibilities. Our liturgical people, from the choirs and musicians, ministers, lectors, servers, and ushers make our celebration very prayerful and spirit filled. Our decorators and cleaners…


The last few weeks have been like a whirlwind for me. Between lung surgery, a ten day hospital stay recuperation period far longer than I wanted or expect and the isolation, made it all a difficult time. Your prayers, well-wishes, cards and sentiments made everything pass quickly. Thank you for your concerns, your remembrances and especially your prayers. I am still not fully back, but I will be more present as time goes on. God Bless You All!

Thank You for your generous support in our Christmas Collection

I want to say Thank You for your generous support in our Christmas Collection. The total amount received was $16,681.00. The Christmas collection may seem like an extra collection beyond the regular Sunday, but it is not an extra but a necessary one that works into our parish budget of expenses. Thank You for you support. Thank you for your continued contributions to the parish that help us to continue to strive in our work. God Bless You!