Pastor’s Post (Page 22)

Pastor’s Post (Page 22)

Pastor’s Post

June 10th, 2020

Thank you to all those who participated in our live masses this past week.  I think everybody will agree that it was a little odd sitting far apart with our masks on our faces but it was wonderful to see the church alive again with people and best of all to receive Holy Communion.  This weekend we will add two Sunday masses to the schedule; Saturday at 5 pm and Sunday at 8:30 am.  Reservations are required. (We do not…

Feast of the Most Holy Trinity

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity: Father, Son and HolySpirit. We don’t need a theological explanation of what the Trinity is. But maybe we need to know that God as Trinity acts in our lives: Creating (Father), Redeeming (Son), and Sanctifying (Holy Spirit) each and every one of us. In today’s second reading, St. Paul gives us a formula to follow: grace, love and fellowship. Greet each other with kindness, not a curse, as the world…

Feast of Pentecost

Today is the Feast of Pentecost. It is called the Birthday of the Church. And it is the day we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit upon those first apostles and upon us all. What does it mean to have the Holy Spirit come to you? For those first apostle, it meant that their fears all but disappeared and they had the courage to go into the world and share the Good News of Jesus. They spoke and everyone…

Feast of the Ascension

This past Thursday we celebrated the Feast of the Ascension. In Acts 1:9 it says Jesus “was lifted up, and a cloud took Him from their sight.” Then two angels addressed the apostles asking why they are just standing there looking at the sky. We lose things in our lives that are valuable to us. It could be a job , our health, a loved one, and in the midst of this pandemic, our ability to gather, give a hug,…

Memorial Day Weekend

This is Memorial Day Weekend. We would usually have a memorial service remembering and honoring our veterans. But due to covid-19, this service will not be held. But that doesn’t mean we cannot remember to honor our veterans. Since its first official observance on May 5, 1868, when it was called Declaration Day, it has been a day of remembrance for those who sacrificed and died in our nation’s service. And while it was originally dedicated to honor Civil War…

Jesus promises an Advocate (Holy Spirit) to those who believe in Him.

This is the Sixth Sunday of Easter. Do you believe that we have spent the entire Easter Season and half of our Lenten Journey at home away from church distancing ourselves from one another? In today’s Gospel, Jesus promises an Advocate (Holy Spirit) to those who believe in Him. This Holy Spirit is truly a part of our everyday lives. He is the knowledge and wisdom for our witness to faith – our caring actions, generosity and concern for others.…

Happy Mother’s Day

Mother’s day is all about celebrating the woman who raised you and shaped you as a person. From all the packed lunches with napkin notes, to the bandages and kisses after falling off your bike, to being the first to cry at your graduation – your Mom was there for it all. Happy Mother’s Day to all our Moms. Pray and remember those who have moved on to eternal life. And show love to those still with us. Happy Mother’s…

Our Faith!

How do we get around today: Google maps, navigation app on our phones, GPS in our cars? If you notice those are not much help today. We are quarantined at home. We’re with the same people day in and day out. No where else to go. Maybe the map we need has always been right in front ofus. Yes. Our faith! Our faith isn’t taking us on the road to another city. But it takes us along the road of…

Sunday, May 3rd 2020

The RCA company was one of the first to develop the phonograph, or, as they called it, the Victrola. Their logo was a dog sitting next to an old style speaker with his ear cocked and listening. It’s selling point was that the sound of their phonograph was so true to life that the dog would be able to recognize his master’s voice. How good are we at recognizing the voice of the Lord in our lives? Does it come…

Sunday, April 26th 2020

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus meets two of His disciples on the road to Emmaus. The destination isn’t all that important, but what happens on the journey is. Jesus listens to their problems, hurts and feelings. He makes them feel better about themselves and their situations. Even though they didn’t recognize that it was Jesus, they invite Him to stay with them longer. Then they broke bread together and they recognized that it was the Lord. We’re all on this…


The Biblical concept of mercy always involves help to those who are in need or distress. Such help covers a broad range, including God’s forgiveness of our sins. The Biblical definition of mercy translated for us today simply says that mercy is a personal characteristic of care for the needs of others. During this pandemic and shelter-at-home restrictions, we see so many examples of mercy from people offering assistance to others and those checking on a needy neighbor as well…

Happy Easter

Happy Easter! This seems like a greeting that doesn’t fit the occasion. However, this greeting is a perfect one for the occasion,. It’s a day to celebrate! Christ has Risen! He has defeated sin and death by coming back from the cross. What a victory! What a success! In the midst of the crisis facing our world, we need to be positive and look to a future when this virus has been eradicated. But it can’t be going back to…