Pastor’s Post
Pastor’s Post
Ordinary Time in the liturgical life of the Church
Wasted time is not a prized commodity in our society today. We seem to be a people ruled by the clock. Time is money because time is to be filled with purposeful and controlled activity which is productive of things that can be sold. We are convinced that we must be in control of time. Our Creator is described in the Scriptures as the original and best of players. Creative activity is playful, and creative people do not feel what…
Celebration of Jesus’ Baptism
Today we celebrate the Baptism of our Lord. This baptism of Jesus reminds us of our own identity and mission in life. First, it reminds us of who we are and Whose we are. By Baptism we become the adoptive sons and daughters of God, brothers and sisters of Jesus, members of His Church, heirs of Heaven, and temples of the Holy Spirit. We become incorporated into the Church, the Body of Christ, and made sharers in the priesthood of…
Thank You For Your Generosity
I wish to express my thanks to you for your generosity in this year’s Christmas collection. The total came to $15,991.00. The Christmas collection as well as the Easter one, makes up for what isn’t able to be covered by our regular Sunday collection. It’s a huge help financially. So Thank You and God Bless You for your generous support to your Parish and Church.
Epiphany Home Blessing
EPIPHANY HOME BLESSING 20 + C + M + B + 25 O Lord, God Almighty,bless this home and under its shelter let there be peace, health, happiness, chastity, goodness, kindness, prosperity, obedience to your commandments, and thanksgiving. Protect this house from fire, disaster, or anyone wanting to enter it unlawfully. May these blessings descend abundantly on this home and remain always in the hearts of all who dwell here, and on those whose enter in a spirit of peace.…
Personal Thank You!
Many of you sent me cards, gave me gifts, and baked some delicious goodies and foods and especially offered your prayers for my recovery and health. I wish, with all my heart, to say THANK YOU. Your kindness and thoughtfulness means so much and has been a great help to me. The Spirit of Christmas is truly present. Thank You and God Bless!
Feast of the Holy Family
Happy New Year! Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. We need to learn lessons from the Holy Family: The Church encourages us to look to the Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph for inspiration, example and encouragement. They were a model family in which both parents worked hard, helped each other, understood and accepted each other, and took good care of their Child so that He might grow up not only in human knowledge but also as…
Merry Christmas
I’m writing this week’s message from my hospital room. All the while I’m thinking what will the doctor tell me, what will I have to do, and how long will I be here. Then I look out the window, see the snow, and think of Christmas. How Joseph and Mary were told “no room in the inn.” and had to stay in a stable to give birth to Jesus Christ. Then later having to flee the country because Herod wanted…
Gaudete Sunday – Rejoice
On this third Sunday of the Advent season, Gaudete Sunday, we are encouraged to rejoice. Maybe “encouraged” isn’t strong enough, but “obliged” seems too heavy-handed. We are exhorted to shout and sing by the prophet Zephaniah, urged to exult and give thanks by the psalmist, and practically begged to rejoice by Saint Paul, who insists on saying it twice. Why this imperative? Remember, it’s not an emotion that’s required of us nor a simple attitude adjustment either. What’s obliged is…
Today’s Gospel quotes Isaiah the prophet: “Prepare the way of the Lord.” This is our directive during this Advent season. But we need to remember not only to prepare for the Lord’s birth at Christmas, but to prepare and be ready for His second coming at the end of time. We all prepare to celebrate Christmas. It could be simple everyday things such as decorating, sending greeting cards, preparing special family meals, buying presents or wishing someone a Merry Christmas.…
A Time For Spiritual Renewal
Advent is a time of waiting and hoping, of renewing our trust in God’s mercifullove and care, and of reflecting on the several comings (advents), of Christ into our lives. Besides Jesus’ first coming at birth, we are asked to reflect on Christ’s coming as the risen Lord at Easter, in the Sacraments (especially the Eucharist), in our everyday lives, at the moment of death, and at the end of human history (the second coming). Preparing for Advent goes beyond…
A Thanksgiving Story
Mrs. Jones told her 1st graders to draw a picture of something for which they were thankful. She thought since they all came from poor backgrounds, they would draws turkeys, lavish foods or a dinner table. When she went through them, she saw what she expected except for one picture. A little quiet boy simply drew a hand. The class was intrigued and they kept guessing whose hand it was. Maybe God’s as He gives us everything. Maybe the farmers…
“God comes to you disguised as your life.”
A few years ago, I started praying the Examen every evening before going to bed. It’s a prayer practice that was pioneered by Saint Ignatius of Loyola in his compilation, The Spiritual Exercises. It involves, among other things, reflecting on the events of your day and noticing where you felt God’s presence and action in order to discern God’s will for you. I am routinely amazed by how much of my day I skim over without much consideration until I…