Posts by olv18372

Posts by olv18372

Celebration of my Fiftieth Anniversary of Ordination.

Dear Friends at OLV, You absolutely overwhelmed me last Sunday as we shared the celebration of my Fiftieth Anniversary of Ordination. The two little words of thank you cannot come close to letting you know the gratitude and appreciation I feel for all who contributed to such an exciting and wonderful day. I hope the liturgical celebration was as meaningful to you as it was to me, and pray the words I spoke touched your hearts knowing how I feel…

Feast of the Most Holy Trinity

Did you ever find yourself taking things for granted. In other words, something becomes so much of a habit that you don’t think about what you’re doing. It’s the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity today. When you make the Sign of the Cross, do you say: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen? And do you touch the forehead, heart and shoulders?. Or do we just take it for granted. I’ve watched…

Feast of Pentecost

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Today is the Feast of Pentecost, many times referred to as the Birthday of the Church. The Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles and it was the first time the Apostles went out and preached the Word of God without Jesus at their side. On this birthday, let us celebrate that same gift of the Holy Spirit. It was at Baptism that we received the Holy Spirit and at Confirmation, the gifts and fruits of the Spirit were…

Sacrament of Confirmation

Today, twenty two of our young parishioners are receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. It’s a great experience for them as they are sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit and now the Church sees them as adult members. They have received the religious education to make decisions of faith. So have we all. But we also know, that the world is constantly changing. New temptations face us each day trying to draw us away from our faith and the…

June 10th, 2020

Thank you to all those who participated in our live masses this past week.  I think everybody will agree that it was a little odd sitting far apart with our masks on our faces but it was wonderful to see the church alive again with people and best of all to receive Holy Communion.  This weekend we will add two Sunday masses to the schedule; Saturday at 5 pm and Sunday at 8:30 am.  Reservations are required. (We do not…

Word of thanks to all who made our Anniversary celebration so beautiful and meaningful.

Just a simple word of thanks to all who made our Anniversary celebration so beautiful and meaningful. Our Mass was beautiful and inspiring. Bishop Bambera delivered and excellent and moving message to all present. Our Traditional Choir, as usual, added such beautiful music before and during the Mass. We thank the Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus for being the honor guard for the Bishop. And a Thank You to all who helped in any way at the Mass: ushers, greeters, readers, ministers, servers offertory procession and the participants of the event. As to the…

50th Anniversary BBQ

What a great event! Over two hundred people came out last Sunday to our Anniversary Celebration BBQ. There was delicious foods, enjoyable conversations, good music, fun games, and a great time had by all. Thank You to Steven and Karen Miller who were the chairpersons for the BBQ and their many workers and volunteers who helped and did so much. The planning, organizing, setting up, cooking, serving and cleaning were done to perfection. Thank you BBQ team for a job well done. And thank You to all who came out to celebrate…

Annual Homecoming Bazaar – Thank You!

Our Annual Homecoming Bazaar has come to another successful conclusion. A little rain during the week and on Friday night dampened the activities a bit, but it didn’t hurt the spirit of all who came out. I just want to take this moment to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all who did so much to make our Bazaar a successful parish activity. Our general chairpersons, the Brosnan Family, and the general chairperson from all the sections of the…


I just wish to express my thanks for your support and generosity in our Easter collection. This year’s collection totaled $14,550.00. Like any parish, the collection at the holidays helps tremendously in making up what the regular Sunday donations can’t cover. Thank You and God Bless You for your love and support of your parish.

Thank You!

THANK YOU: These words just don’t seem to be enough in expressing my appreciation to all who volunteer and help in the parish. Just the last few weeks, Lent, Holy Week and Easter were some beautiful celebrations. I wish to thank all who planned and participated, those who cleaned and prepared the Church, those who decorated and made the Church so beautiful and inviting, those who participated in the liturgies and services from our talented choirs, musicians, cantors, servers, ministers, lectors and ushers. When you walk into Church for…

Happy Easter!

I just want to take this moment to wish everyone a Happy Easter. As we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus, we celebrate new life. After all of Holy Week, its rituals, services and Masses, it’s like a new life has come into our lives and into our Church. May the joy of this day and the peace that we celebrate be with you and your loved ones. Happy Easter! Fr. Rich