The month of October is Respect Life Month and this Sunday is designated as Respect Life Sunday. It is truly a reminder to us of God’s precious gift of human life and our responsibility to care for, protect and defend this gift of life, from conception to natural death.

As Catholics and faith filled believers, we understand that we are created in the image and likeness of God. That means we can create life as we see a child in the mother’s womb. We need also to protect life. We do everything to save the whales, lions, elephants and every other animal, watch a TV commercial. But with the unborn child, we don’t try to save this life, but we call it an inconvenience and a women’s right to her body, and so we call for abortion. We have our elderly. In some countries, the elderly aren’t seen as people with great wisdom and experiences to share. They are seen as undue burdens on society. So we have euthanasia.

Let us all pray, especially this month, for this precious gift from God: OUR LIVES. Then let us cherish, defend, and protect those who are most vulnerable, from the beginning of life to its end, and at every point in between.