• Weekend Mass Saturdays @ 5pm and Sundays @ 8:30am and 10:30am
  • Shrine to Our Lady of Life.
  • "Everyone always welcome at Our Lady of Victory Church"
  • Our Lady of Victory is a welcoming Catholic community dedicated to the mission to Know, Love and Serve God by living the Eucharist.

Adoration & Confession

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament  takes place every Monday evening from 5:30 to 6:30 P.M. in the Chapel. Confessions will also be heard at this time. This is a great opportunity to spend some quiet time in prayer as well as an opportunity to experience Christ’s peace through reconciliation and forgiveness.

Message from Fr. Rich

CCD Classes

Our CCD program  has begun for the  year. Some of our classes are large  and we could still  use some help.  Would you consider
helping us as a teacher, a substitute teacher, or a teacher’s aide?We especially need a  Kindergarten  teacher right now.  The class meets  every other Sunday.  We have  the materials you would need,. And  what we need from  you is your faith and a willingness to  share it with the  children. Call Father Rich if you  would like to help  or are thinking about it and need  more information.

Happenings This Week

Week of Sept.  15th – Sept. 21st

  • Today ……….. Hospitality Sunday
    Blood Pressure Screenings
  • Monday …….. Adoration & Confessions, 5:30 P.M.
    Liturgy Committee, 7:00 P.M.
    Compassionate Friends, 7:00 P.M.
  • Tuesday ……. Social Concerns Comm., 7:00 P.M.
  • Thursday …… Bible Study Class, 7:00 P.M.

Online Contributions

Click here for more information

We are grateful for your support of our church. Online Giving allows you to make contributions to our church without writing checks or worrying about cash donations.  Read More…  .

Future Happenings

  • Sept. 22 …… Parish Dinner: “Taste of Poland”
  • Sept. 26 ……. Parish Pastoral Council
  • Sept. 30 ……. Parking Lots Sealing
  • October 1 …. Bible Study
  • October 2 …. Our Lady’s Guild
  • October 3 …. Knights of Columbus
  • October 5 …. O.L.G. Communion Breakfast

Respect Life

“All life has inestimable value even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor, are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in his own image, destined to live forever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect.” Pope Francis

Live-Streaming Masses

We continue to livestream our weekend Masses. This is for the homebound and those unable to get to Church due to various infirmities or situations. But it is not an excuse for not coming to Church in person. Livestreaming means it is watched live. It isn’t there to be seen as a tv show while eating or doing other work. Our Church is sanitized after the Masses and cleaned regularly. Masks are worn by those who feel it necessary. So the best way to attend Mass is in person and to receive Holy Communion.

Link to Masses

Parish Mission Statement

Our Lady of Victory is a welcoming Catholic community dedicated to the mission to Know, Love and Serve God by living the Eucharist,

Parish Registration

We always welcome new members to our Parish family. Registration is important to us so that we may serve your spiritual needs. Call the office to register in the parish. One must be registered in the parish in order to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism and Marriage or be granted letters of eligibility for sponsorship of Baptism and Confirmation.

Mission Activity

Parish Dinner – “A Taste of Poland”

Sunday, September 22nd from Noon to 5:00 P.M. in our Parish Hall. The menu includes halupki, kielbasa, pierogi, haluski, salad bar and dessert. Cost is $12.00 for adults and $6.00 for children.

Stay Connected With Our Parish

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Receive Emails or Text Messages as reminders to the gatherings, happenings & events in our parish.

News and Announcements

Annual Appeal – “Our Call To Serve”

This year’s theme is “Our Call To Serve”. As Christ gave Himself to us, we are called to serve and be generous  towards others. You should have already received in the mail a letter from the Bishop asking your support in this  year’s Appeal. Next weekend (Sept 21st/22nd), we will show a video on where […]

Capital Repairs

We are working on two major projects this month: the repair and resealing of our parking lots and the replacement of the roof on the north side of the Church. The resealing adds years to the life of the lots and is done every few  years. The roof was somewhat expected as it is over […]

Bible Study Class

Another session of Bible studies begins this month. This series of seven classes will be studying the Old Testament  Psalms using the Little Rock Scripture study sessions. Classes will begin on Thursday, September 19th at 7:00 P.M. in  the upper meeting room. Cost of book and materials is $20.00. For more information or to register, […]

New Altar Servers Class

Our first practice session is this Saturday, September 14th at 11:00 A.M. in th the Church. Children from grades three  through twelve, who are interested in being altar servers should come to this practice. It would great to see more of  our children involved with Mass and the Church.

Parish Dinner

Parish Dinner: “A TASTE OF POLAND” is being sponsored by Our Lady’s Guild on Sunday, September 22nd from  Noon to 5:00 P.M. The menu includes halupki, kielbasa, pierogi, haluski, salad bar and dessert. Mark your calendar  and plan to attend this delicious offering with your family, friends and parish.

Adoration & Confession

The Eucharist is the central mystery of our faith. Adoration gives us the opportunity to pray in the presence of the  Eucharist called the Blessed Sacrament. Starting in September, every Monday evening from 5:30 to 6:30 P.M., we  will have Adoration in the Chapel for your personal time of prayer. At the same, confession will […]

Need a Hand / Lend a Hand

We have a few volunteers to help but could use a lot more. Please call if you can help. If you need a little help at home, simple electrical, plumbing or carpentry type of work, or maybe a ride to a doctor or someone to pay a simple visit, please call (570-623-1221) and leave your information. Deacon Steve or Laura will contact you.

Parish Events & Activities

Our parish is recognized for its abundance of activities. We wish all to feel included. Please consider just helping in one activity a year, in addition to our annual Homecoming Bazaar. Perhaps you can help with  family bowling in January or Knoebel’s Park in July! We are planning an Adult-Child Dance in October, Golf  Tournament […]

CCD Teachers, Aides & Volunteers Needed

We’re always looking for CCD teachers, classroom aides and other volunteers to help in our religious education program. If you are interested in  helping in any way, please call the Church (570-629-4572) or email the CCD coordinator at ([email protected]) and we’ll fill you in on what we need.

Stay Connected With Our Parish

Receive emails or text Messages as reminders to the gatherings, happenings & events in our parish. Click the link above for more information.


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