One of the most profitable endeavors today is rental garages. As soon as one opens, each unit is immediately rented out. When we first opened this Church, I rented one of those garages since I had no rectory to store my belongings. After two years we built a rectory and I emptied this garage. Despite not using anything from this garage in two years, I moved all its contents into the rectory. I guess, I like everyone else tend to collect and save a lot of things we will never use.

Today’s Gospel tells us what we truly need. As Jesus sends out His disciples, He says take nothing extra with you, just the clothes on your back and especially your faith. Possessions give us happiness for awhile. Faith gives us joy and peace for all times. Remember what St. Paul says in today’s Epistle: “Blessed be God and Father… who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens…” Be thankful for the gifts of the Lord.