Feast of the Most Holy Trinity

Feast of the Most Holy Trinity

Did you ever find yourself taking things for granted. In other words, something becomes so much of a habit that you don’t think about what you’re doing. It’s the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity today. When you make the Sign of the Cross, do you say: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen? And do you touch the forehead, heart and shoulders?. Or do we just take it for granted. I’ve watched people at the end of Mass when the priest imparts the final blessing, many are buttoning coats, shuffling the missalettes, or just walking out. The Sign of the Cross is a prayer. We address God and recognize Him as Creator Father, the Son of God who sacrificed His life for us, and the Holy Spirit who gives us the gifts to live a life of faith and face whatever the future holds. Next time you come to Church, touch the holy water and make the Sign of the Cross as if God was standing right in front of you. You are calling Him by name. Don’t take Him for granted.