Today we celebrate the Feast of the Body & Blood of Christ. It is truly the feast of the Eucharist. At the Last Supper, Jesus said: “Do this in memory of Me.” Our Eucharist is a daily opportunity to live and retell what we are thankful for. For the word Eucharist means thanksgiving.
Each celebration of the sacraments reinforces the mysteries of our faith: that we are invited to be members of Christ’s body, called to be witnesses and given the grace to do so, nourished with food for the journey of faith, forgiven our offenses and reconciled through God’s mercy, united in special partnerships for the spreading of the gospel, commissioned for service, and even in times of sickness and death, we remain valuable participants in the testimony of God’s faithfulness and love.
We have a lot to remember and to be thankful for. Now that we are getting back to Mass, let us thank God for His many gifts, especially today, for getting us through this pandemic. And pray He will continue to feed us with His love through the Eucharist.