Today we celebrate the Baptism of our Lord. This baptism of Jesus reminds us of our own identity and mission in life. First, it reminds us of who we are and Whose we are. By Baptism we become the adoptive sons and daughters of God, brothers and sisters of Jesus, members of His Church, heirs of Heaven, and temples of the Holy Spirit. We become incorporated into the Church, the Body of Christ, and made sharers in the priesthood of…
I wish to express my thanks to you for your generosity in this year’s Christmas collection. The total came to $15,991.00. The Christmas collection as well as the Easter one, makes up for what isn’t able to be covered by our regular Sunday collection. It’s a huge help financially. So Thank You and God Bless You for your generous support to your Parish and Church.
EPIPHANY HOME BLESSING 20 + C + M + B + 25 O Lord, God Almighty,bless this home and under its shelter let there be peace, health, happiness, chastity, goodness, kindness, prosperity, obedience to your commandments, and thanksgiving. Protect this house from fire, disaster, or anyone wanting to enter it unlawfully. May these blessings descend abundantly on this home and remain always in the hearts of all who dwell here, and on those whose enter in a spirit of peace.…
As Christ gave Himself to us, we are called to serve and be generous towards others especially those in need. “Our Call To Serve”. Our parish goal for this year’s Appeal is $52,345. Would you prayerfully consider making a donation or pledge and so helping us make our goal and do our part in supporting the many fine programs, activities, and people who benefit from the Appeal. Presently we have received pledges and donations from 172 families out of 850…
One of the best ways to get vocations is prayer. We take the opportunity to pray for someone who we think may be a good candidate for the priesthood or religious life. The Elijah Cup is that opportunity to pray for an increase of vocations. The cup is taken home after a weekend Mass. During the week, special prayers provided are offered so that someone thinking about a vocation, might take that next step. We need priests and sisters. Our…