One way Jesus prepared for his public ministry was to go into the desert, filled with the Holy Spirit, to be tempted by the devil. We may have to confront a similar experience during Lent. While striving to follow the inspirations of the Holy Spirit, we encounter temptation to abandon our good resolutions. Jesus’ example of faith and trust in God, His Father, shows us the disposition we must have if we are to triumph over the enemy. And that disposition is to follow the three disciplines of Lent: Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. It started with Fasting as Jesus disciplined himself not to be overly concerned with different foods and curbing his appetite. He hungered for the nourishment of faith to face the devil. Jesus prayed. And you can see that prayer as he quotes the Scriptures in response to the devil’s temptations.
The Scriptures are God’s Words and His Life for us. Reading them gives us the wisdom and courage we need to help us fight off temptations and stay dedicated to our faith. Almsgiving for Jesus was his willingness to give totally of himself for us.
How much are we willing to give of what we have for God through others. Our generosity to the poor and needy gives us a sense of accomplishment that we can always succeed in our endeavors. Let our season of Lent and its disciplines deepen our faith in God.