Seek the Lord’s forgiveness and feel his peace.

Seek the Lord’s forgiveness and feel his peace.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus speaks of the importance of repentance. He points out that none of us is perfect and we are all sinners. Do we recognize that we are sinners? Or have we turned our sins into making excuses for our actions, or finding ways to blame others for the bad things we do? We may all have used the phrase: ‘the devil made me do it!’ During our Lenten journey as we pray, fast and give of ourselves, let us take note of our sins. There may be times where we put God out of our lives (not praying). There may be times where we broke our fast, or a commandment or two. There are ten of them. There also may be times when we turned our backs on someone in need or even taken things away from a person (stealing). Jesus doesn’t condemn us, but reminds us that we are in need of repentance.

Make this Lent be a time where we stop the excuses and recognize our sinfulness. And then take the next step and repent: go to confession. Seek the Lord’s forgiveness and feel his peace. Confession are held Monday evenings at 5:30 pm; Saturday afternoons at 4:00 pm and our Penance Service with for priest here is Tuesday, April 8th at 7:00 pm. Don’t let these opportunities pass you by.