How do you see God appearing in your life?

How do you see God appearing in your life?

There was a fifth grade class that just learned about the Transfiguration. Afterwards they were all asked to draw a picture of God. What they thought God looks like in their lives and why. There were a variety of pictures. One drew an elderly man in an alley begging for food. That’s God asking me to feed the poor. One drew a teenager playing basketball on his school team. That’s God saying use the talents I gave you. One drew their Mom and said it’s God’s loving and caring for me, even when I’m being bad. One drew a person in a wheel chair and said that was God asking him to help others in need. Another drew a person praying and said that was God talking with me. One drew a baby. For him, that was God in all His beauty and simplicity. There were many more pictures of God in all aspects of life.

In the Gospel, the apostles heard the voice of God from the heavens. “This is my chosen Son; listen to him.” How do you see God talking to you and appearing in your life? Who have you seen or met that made you think of God – someone who challenged you to be better; someone who was generous to you without anything wanted in return; someone who loves you. God is among us always. While our eyes are focused looking up to the heavens, don’t let Him pass you in the streets.