“Yes” Can Offer Great Rewards

“Yes” Can Offer Great Rewards

In today’s Gospel, Jesus asks two requests of his disciples. First, he asks Peter to take him in the boat a short distance so he can talk and teach the people. Then he asks the disciples to take out their boats for a catch of fish. In both instances Peter and the disciples were tired from fishing all night without having much success. But despite their tiredness, they do as Jesus requests. And the results were great.

You may have experienced this same thing. Maybe it was a late night call from a neighbor, or a family member calling after you had a hard day at work or a request made in the midst of your favorite TV show or even the super bowl. It may just be a simple request as Peter and the disciples experienced but the results of their yes benefitted everyone. Our yes to helping others, whether convenient or not, will benefit all. The one receiving your help will walk away with a smile and you will reap the reward and satisfaction of a job well done.

Jesus’ requests are often just little things that may seem bothersome at times. But doing them offers great rewards. So what holds us back from saying yes?