In today’s Gospel, we hear how many of the disciples of Jesus could not fully understand or accept Jesus’ teachings about the Eucharist “to eat His Body and drink His Blood if we want eternal life.” Jesus confronted them on their beliefs. And we saw what many did, they left Jesus and followed their own ways.

We might say, we are confronted and questioned by Jesus every Sunday when we have to decide to go to Mass or sleep in and not attend. Jesus tells us that He offers us His Body and Blood in the Eucharist. Do we truly believe that the Holy Communion we receive at Mass is Jesus? If we truly do believe, then we wouldn’t make excuses to not go, like, I don’t feel like going to Mass today, or it’s too much trouble to get everyone up and ready, or we had a long night and need to sleep in, or it’s summer vacation, or whatever excuse we make for not going to Mass. But we would respond like his Apostles, “Lord, you have the words of eternal life.” And then we would make every effort to get to Mass, receive the Eucharist, give thanks to God, and celebrate His loving presence in our lives.

Come meet Jesus! He invites us to eat with Him and celebrate His love. How can we not accept the invitation?