Faith Over Fear

Faith Over Fear

In today’s Gospel, Jesus says:” Fear no one.” Then He says, fear only the one who can destroy the soul with the body. In all that is happening around us, it seems like the spirit of America is being wiped out. Fear has gripped our nation on so many fronts. With every news report we are told to fear. It could be another mass shooting. It could be our different ethnic backgrounds. It could be the religion we practice. It could be the destruction of our environment. It could be businesses closing down. It could even be our political rumblings and arguments but if we follow the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke, He says: “Fear is useless… what is needed is faith.” (Luke 8:50) The anxieties of the present are real. However every act of generosity we extend robs them of their authority. Virtues like love, kindness, and inclusion defeat the power of fear that seeks to kill the spirit. The mandate to protect the common good, which assures everyone gets what they need even in a time of scarcer resources, heals division and clears the path toward a more gracious future. If what is needed is faith, then, O Lord, increase our faith! Let’s recall too that faith isn’t about believing certain things. It’s about trusting in the God who believes in us enough to entrust the welfare of our neighbor to our care.