Posts from June 2023

Posts from June 2023

Independence Day

This week we celebrate Independence Day. In our Declaration of Independence, we read: “…that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Our lives are important from conception to natural death; our liberty to do what we want without infringement on another’s right; and our pursuit of happiness without discrimination. I thank God and experience these rights every time I go to Mass. Look around and see…

Faith Over Fear

In today’s Gospel, Jesus says:” Fear no one.” Then He says, fear only the one who can destroy the soul with the body. In all that is happening around us, it seems like the spirit of America is being wiped out. Fear has gripped our nation on so many fronts. With every news report we are told to fear. It could be another mass shooting. It could be our different ethnic backgrounds. It could be the religion we practice. It…

Happy Fathers Day

Just want to express a Happy Fathers Day to all our Dads. May you experience the peace of Christ through your families. For our deceased Dads, may they share in Christ’s peace in their heavenly home.

Feast of Corpus Christi

Today is the Feast of Corpus Christi – Body & Blood of Christ. It is also the day we begin the parish phase of the national Eucharistic Revival. Come help us start it off and recognize the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place today at Noon and the Church will be open all afternoon for you to stop in and spend some prayer time with the Lord. Come alone, or better yet,…

Feast of the Most Holy Trinity

Did you ever find yourself taking things for granted. In other words, something becomes so much of a habit that you don’t think about what you’re doing. It’s the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity today. When you make the Sign of the Cross, do you say: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen? And do you touch the forehead, heart and shoulders?. Or do we just take it for granted. I’ve watched…