Posts from August 2022

Posts from August 2022

Move forward, great things await you.

The end of the summer is here. Next week we will celebrate Labor Day, the beginning of school, and the start of our ‘regular’ routines that we have become accustomed to. Some view this sadly because the vacations are over and we’re going back to the old humdrum routines of the past. But maybe this year we can look at the Fall season as a challenge to greater things. The pandemic for the most part if over. Old ways have…

Experience The Lord’s Peace

Back in seminary days, I read a small booklet that said that there is more religion and life decisions spoken about at the kitchen table. Did you ever wonder why there are so many social events that serve food here in the parish? Today we have our Annual Parish Picnic. And yes, there will be a variety of foods being served. But the important things about this gathering isn’t the food or who wins the games or what are the…

Homecoming Bazaar – THANK YOU

Just wanted to say THANK YOU to all who helped with the planning, running, opening and closing of this year’s Aannual Bazaar. As you know I was a bit under the weather and could not attend, but from what I saw on facebook and other pictures, it looks like everyone had a good time. Friday’s rain may have kept the crowds away, but did not dampen the spirits of our workers. This was a restructuring year and hopefully when we…