Posts from September 2020
Promises Made – Promises Broken?
How many of us do what the two sons in today’s Gospel did? We say we will do something and then don’t. Or we say no, then have pangs of conscience, and go and fulfill the task. How many times have we done this with our faith? I’m going to get to Mass; I’m going to pray more often; I’m going to be a kinder person. We’ve made these promises and we’ve broken them when something better comes along. We’ve…
Thank you! 2020 golf tournament.
Just wanted to say Thank You to the Golf Committee who ran an enjoyable and successful golf tournament last week. It was beautiful day, weatherwise, and a fun day golfing and even winning some prizes. Thank you to the Committee for an outstanding job, the Farda Family for the use of Hideaway Hills Golf Course and the sixty golfers who played.
From “Living with Christ” It’s just not fair!
From “Living with Christ” It’s just not fair! Like children who bemoan being denied something that has been afforded another, we all intermittently rail against God for not getting our just desserts. Why did this faithful, God-loving, and generous person get stuck with cancer, lose a job, or get rear-ended in traffic while another who appears completely arrogant, inconsiderate, and self-absorbed didn’t? Like laborers in the vineyard we challenge God about the perceived inequity of our situation. It’s hard to…
As people of faith, we are called to a higher existence.
Forgiveness is the topic of the day. A nice word. A great gesture. What we are called to do? But also what can be so overwhelming to truly accomplish. September 11, 2001 is a day we cannot forget. It is a day that congers up feelings of retaliation and hate. It is a day that truly challenges us in forgiveness! How can we forgive? How can we let go? In the human realm, we cannot. But in the spiritual realm…
Our motivation should be love and reconciliation.
Whenever anything happens, it immediately becomes public. Social media, cell phone cameras all contribute to sharing with the world all that happens. Now everyone passes judgement on what they see. But no one really knows all that has happened. Jesus said go privately to the person that has hurt you. Then take one or two others, then go to the community of believers. In each instance, our motivation should be love and reconciliation, not rash judgement, retaliation and condemnation. The…