Our Liturgical Year began on the 1st Sunday in Advent and concludes today with the Feast of Christ the King. During this year have we re-lived the life of Christ and tried to immerse ourselves in His kingdom? So we can ask: “Is Christ more king of my life now than a year ago?”

The influence of a leader is most prevalent. Teachers and students will follow their principal. Employees will emulate their managers. If government leaders have integrity, it will filter down to the populace. The same is true of Christ the King. Do we follow His spirit in the lives we live: our actions, thoughts and our teachings? If we follow Jesus in the little things in life, the big things will follow.

Sow a little kindness and maybe reap a friendship. Do a little favor for someone and create a community of people looking out for each other. Say a little prayer for a person, and create a family of faith. So I ask again, “Is Christ more king of my life now than a year ago?”