People “hunger” for so many things in life. Some hunger for perfection, societal status, or even financial stability. Some hunger for excessive amounts of almost anything. Some hunger for only the delicacies and luxuries in life. Some hunger for so much food, just look around you and see this. Any of these “hungers” will satisfy us for the moment. But these hungers continue to gnaw at us and temp us away from what is truly important in our lives.

Jesus offers the Bread of Life that will satisfy all our hungers and go beyond the things of this world. The Bread of Life will feed us with a knowledge of seeing what should be most important in our life – the people around us who we can help and support. The Bread of Life will give us all we will ever need to live a life filled with joy, peace and contentment because it will show us life beyond our everyday existence. And with this Bread of Life we will never be hungry.